GB 5009.17-2014 Translated English of Chinese Standard. GB5009.17-2014: National Food Safety Standard - Determination of total mercury and organic-mercury in foods [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 2 sept. 2016 - 23 pages The first chapter of this Standard specified the determination method for total mercury in foods. The first chapter of this Standard is applicable to the determination of total mercury in foods. |
Table des matières
4 | |
Scope | 5 |
Apparatus | 7 |
Representation of analysis result | 10 |
The second Method Cold Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method | 11 |
Apparatus | 12 |
Analysis procedures | 13 |
Representation of analysis result | 14 |
Other | 15 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
100 mL measuring 4°C refrigerator accurate to 0.001 acid solution 0.5 acid solution 1+9 Add few glass ammonium acetate analytically pure arithmetic mean atomic fluorescence spectrometry blank test conditions for microwave Conduct the blank dark conditions Determination of total dichromate nitric acid digestion Erlenmeyer flask digestion inner tank digestion method dilute to scale dissolve g of potassium hydrochloric acid L-Cysteine liquid chromatography Mercuric chloride mercury analyzer mercury content Mercury standard intermediate mercury standard solution mercury vapor methanol mg/kg milligrams mL flask mL measuring flask mL of mercury mL of nitrate mL of sulfuric mL of water mL/min mounting condenser tube nanograms nitric acid solution pipette polytetrafluoroethylene potassium borohydride potassium dichromate nitric potassium hydroxide Potassium permanganate Potassium persulfate refrigerator in dark sample solution sampling mass set volume sodium hydroxide solution 0.5 g/L standard curve standard series solution standard stock solution stannous chloride sulfuric acid total mercury ultrasonic water bath Weigh 1.0 g µg/mL