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" Any person may, before the trial, intervene in an action or proceeding, who has an interest in the matter in litigation, in the success of either of the parties, or an interest against both. "
Reports of the Decisions of the Court of Appeals of the State of Colorado - Page 548
de Colorado. Court of Appeals - 1898
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Statutes of California and Digests of Measures

California - 1854 - 270 pages
...discretion, make the order. SEC. 71. Any person shall be entitled to intervene in an action who when perron has an interest in the matter in litigation, in the success of either of the SYn action"* parties, to the action or an interest against both. An intervention takes intervention,...
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The California Practice Act: Being an Act Entitled "An Act to Regulate ...

California - 1860 - 388 pages
...or other property for which judgment is demanded. Sherman v. Partrielge, 4 Duer, 646. 659. [1854.*] Any person shall be entitled to intervene in an action...has an interest in the matter in litigation, in the suecess of either of the parties to the action, or an interest against both. An intervention takes...
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The Civil Practice Act of the State of California: As Amended, with Notes ...

California - 1863 - 774 pages demanded. Sherman v. Partridge., 4 Duer, 646. § 659. Intervention, who may make. Definition of. action who has an interest in the matter in litigation, in the succès of either of the parties to the action, or an interest against both. An intervention takes...
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Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, of the Territory of Montana, Passed by the ...

Montana - 1866 - 802 pages
...such person as the court may direct, and the court may in its discretion make the order. SBC. 442. Any person shall be entitled to intervene in an action...has an interest, in the matter in litigation, in the suecess of either of the parties to the action, or an interest against both. An intervention takes...
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The Civil Practice Act of the State of California

California, Theodore Henry Hittell - 1868 - 410 pages
...and the court may, in its discretion, make the order. Intervention. 659. §71. Any person shall he entitled to intervene in an action who has an interest...litigation, in the success of either of the parties to the actiou, or an interest against hoth. An intervention takes place when a third person is permitted to...
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Acts, Resolutions and Memorials Passed at the Annual Sessions of the ...

Utah (Ter.) - 1870 - 162 pages
...discretion, make the order. SEC. 597. Any person shall be entitled to intervene in an intervention, action who has an interest in the matter in litigation, in the 'n,henaUowed' sucess of either of the parties to the action, or an interest against both. An intervention...
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The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California: Adopted March 11th ...

California - 1872 - 774 pages
...592. $ SSI. ($$ 059, 660, 661.) Any person may before the trial, intervene in an action or proceeding, who has an interest in the matter in litigation, in the success of either of the parties, or an interest against both. An intervention takes place when a third person is permitted to become...
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The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, Volume 1

California - 1872 - 892 pages
...387. (§§ 659, 660, 6G1.) Any person may, before the trial, intervene in an action or proceeding, who has an interest in the matter in litigation, in the success of either of the parties, or an interest against both. An intervention takes place when a third person is permitted to become...
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Statutes of California and Digests of Measures

California - 1874 - 524 pages
...Three Hundred and Eighty-seven. Any person may, before the trial, intervene in an action or proceeding, who has an interest in the matter in litigation, in the success of either of the parties, or an interest against both. An intervention takes place when a third person is permitted to become...
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The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, Volume 1

California - 1874 - 870 pages
...v * ' piaco°and *he trial, intervene in an action or proceeding, who tow made, jjas an jnterest jn the matter in litigation, in the success of either of the parties, or an interest against both. An intervention takes place when a third person is permitted to become...
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