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" ... the jury sworn to try the issue may give a general verdict of guilty or not guilty upon the whole matter put in issue upon such indictment or information... "
Lawyers' Reports Annotated - Page 87
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Annual Register of World Events, Volume 33

1795 - 688 pages
...Jury Bill of 1791, (continueJ.) of the fame, that on every fuch trial, the jury fworn to try the iffue may give a general verdict of guilty or not guilty, upon the whole matter put in iffue upon fuch indictment or information, and (hall not be required or din-Hal, by the court or judge...
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Porcupine's Works: Containing Various Writings and Selections ..., Volume 11

William Cobbett - 1801 - 596 pages
...and temporal, and Commons in this pre" sent Parliament assembled, and by the authority " of the same, That, on every such trial, the Jury " sworn to try the issue, may give a general ver" diet of Guilty or Not guilty upon the whole matter " put in issue upon such indictment or information...
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Cobbett's Political Register, Volume 5

William Cobbett - 1804 - 540 pages Cases of Libel." This statute enacts and declares, that onerrry trial for this offence, the Jury may give a general verdict of guilty or not guilty, upon the whole matter, and shall not be required to find the defendant guilt)', merely on proof of publication, but may enter...
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Treatise on the Offices of Justice of Peace, Constable ..., Volume 1 ;Volume 973

Gilbert Hutcheson - 1806 - 824 pages
...»." But ODTJORT- the Jcgiflature, by a declaratory aftb, removed all doubt of the right of juries to give a general verdict of guilty or not guilty upon the whole matter at ifiue c. Inftance of IN Scotland, no fuch diftinction betwixt libels and other "f^rded'in °ffenc06...
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The British Cicero: Or, A Selection of the Most Admired Speeches ..., Volume 3

1808 - 542 pages
...and temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that, on every such trial, the jury sworn to try the...information; and shall not be required or directed, the court or judge before whom such indictment or information shall be tried, to find the defendant...
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Hot pressed doctors outwitted; or, Who's afraid. By Hugo de la Loy

Hugh Leslie - 1808 - 356 pages
...declares and en" acts, that on every trial of an indictment or information for a " libel, the jury may give a general verdict of guilty or not " guilty, upon the whole matter in issue, and shall not be requir" ed or directed, by the Judge, to find the delinquent guilty, " merely...
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The British encyclopedia, or, Dictionary of arts and sciences, Volume 4

William Nicholson - 1809 - 734 pages
...jury, impannelled to try the same, to give their verdict upon the whole matter in issue ;" enacts, that " on every such trial, the jury, sworn to try the issue, may give a general verdict of gnilty or not guilty, npon the whole matter put in issue, upon such indictment or information ; and...
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Occasional Essays on Various Subjects: Chiefly Political and Historical ...

Francis Maseres - 1809 - 636 pages
...afiembled, and by the " authority of the fame, That, on every fuch trial, the " jury fworn to try the iffue, may give a general verdict of " GUILTY or NOT GUILTY, upon the whole matter put in " iffue upon fuch Indictment or Information; and (hall not " be required, or directed, by the Court,...
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The Speeches of the Hon. Thomas Erskine: (now Lord Erskine), when ..., Volume 1

Thomas Erskine Baron Erskine - 1810 - 412 pages
..." their verdict upon the whole matter in issue : Be it therefore *f' declared and enacted, by, &c. That on every such trial the Jury " sworn to try the...Guilty or "*' Not guilty, upon the whole matter put to issue on such indict" ment or information i— and shall not be required or directed " by the Court...
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The speeches of the hon. Thomas Erskine ... when at the Bar, on ..., Volume 1

Thomas Erskine (1st baron.) - 1810 - 420 pages
...upon the whole matter in issue : Be it therefore " declared and enacted, by, &c. That on every snch trial the Jury " sworn to try the issue, may give...Guilty or " Not guilty, upon the whole matter put to issue on snch indict" ment or information ; — and shall not be required or directed " by the Court...
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