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" ... a copy of an indictment found or an affidavit made before a magistrate of any state or territory charging the person demanded with having committed treason, felony, or other crime... "
Lawyers' Reports Annotated - Page 128
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The Laws of the United States of America, Volume 2

United States - 1796 - 588 pages
...any itate or territory as aforelaid, charging the perfon fo demanded, with having committed treafon, felony or other crime;, certified as authentic by the governor or chief magiftrate of the ftate or territory from whence the perfon fo charged, fled, it ihall be the duty...
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Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ...

United States - 1796 - 584 pages
...any ftate or territory as aforefaid, charging the perfon fo demanded, with having committed treafon, felony or other crime, certified as authentic by the governor or chief magiflrate of the ftate or territory from whence the perfon fo charged, fled, it iliall be the duty...
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An Abridgement of the Laws of the United States: Or, A Complete Digest of ...

William Graydon - 1803 - 730 pages
...affidavit made he fore a magistrate of any state or territory as aforesaid, charging the person so demanded with having committed treason, felony or...chief magistrate of the state or territory from whence the person so charged, fled, it shall be the duty of the executive authority of the state or territory...
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The New Virginia Justice, Comprising the Office and Authority of a Justice ...

William Waller Hening - 1810 - 710 pages
...made, before a magistrate of any state or territory, as aforesaid, charging the person so demanded whh having committed treason, felony, or other crime,...chief magistrate of the state or territory from whence the person so charged fled, it shall be the duty of the executive authority of the state or territory...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents ..., Volume 7,Partie 2

United States. Congress. House - 962 pages
...affidavit made before a magistrate of any State or Territory, as aforesaid, charging the person so demanded with having committed treason, felony, authentic by the governor or chief magistrate of a State or Territory from whence the person so charged fled, it shall be the duty of the Executive...
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An Alphabetical Digest of the Public Statute Law of South-Carolina, Volume 1

South Carolina, Joseph Brevard - 1814 - 620 pages
...affidavit made before a magistrate of any state or territory, as aforesaid, charging the person so demanded, with having committed treason, felony or...chief magistrate of the state or territory from whence the person so charged fled, it shall be the duty of the executive authority of the state or territory...
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A Digest of the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4th, 1789 ...

Edward Ingersoll - 1821 - 884 pages
...affidavit made, before a magistrate of any state or territory as aforesaid, charging the person so demanded with having committed treason, felony, or...chief magistrate of the state or territory from whence the person so charged fled, it shall be the duty of the executive authority of the state or territory...
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Acts of the State of Ohio

Ohio - 1821 - 636 pages affidavit made before a magistrate of any State or Territory as aforesaid, charging the person so demanded, with having committed treason, felony or...chief magistrate of the State or Territory from whence the person so charged, fled, it shall be the duty of the executive authority of the State or Territory...
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A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law: With Occasional ..., Volume 7

Nathan Dane - 1824 - 726 pages
...indictment found, or an affidavit made before a magistrate of any State or Territory, charging the fugitive with having committed treason, felony, or other crime,...chief magistrate of the State or Territory from whence fled, is is the duty of the executive authority of the State or. Territory to which fled, to cause...
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A Digest of the Laws of the State of Alabama: Containing All the Statutes of ...

Alabama, John Gaston Aikin - 1833 - 630 pages
...before a magistrate of any of the United Stales, or territories as aforesaid, charging the person so demanded with having committed treason, felony, or...or chief magistrate of the state or territory from which the person so charged fled : it shall be the duty of the executive authority of this territory,...
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