New System of French Grammar ...: Added Lessons in Reading & Speaking ...

Harper & Brothers, 1851

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Expressions et termes fréquents

Fréquemment cités

Page 19 - Onze. 12. Douze. 13. Treize. 14. Quatorze. 15. Quinze. 16. Seize. 17. Dix-sept. 18. Dix-huit. 19. Dix-neuf. 20. Vingt. 21.
Page 38 - ... i à la première et à la seconde personne plurielle de l'imparfait de l'indicatif et du présent du subjonctif: Nous payions, vous ployiez ; que nous payions, que vous ployiez.
Page 296 - A Treatise on the Forces which produce the Organization of Plants. With an Appendix, containing several Memoirs on Capillary Attraction, Electricity, and the Chemical Action of Light.
Page 19 - Dix. 11 Onze. 12 Douze. 13 Treize. 14 Quatorze. 15 Quinze. 16 Seize. 17 Dix-sept. 18 Dix-huit. 19 Dix-neuf. 20 Vingt 21 Vingt et un. 22 Vingt-deux. 23 Vingt-trois.
Page 228 - Spanish three conjugations, which are distinguished by the termination of the present of the infinitive, viz. :— 1. The first has its infinitive terminated in AB ; as : — Hablar, to speak ; Comprar, to buy ; Cortar, to cut.
Page 294 - The Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament : Being an Attempt at a Verbal Connexion between the Greek and the English Texts ; including a Concordance to the Proper Names, with Indexes, GreekEnglish and English-Greek.

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