Hon. President of the Senate: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, } SIR:-The House has passed the following Bills and Resolutions viz : A Bill to be entitled An Act requiring an oath of secrecy to be administered to witnesses and bailiffs in the Circuit Courts of this State in certain cases, and for other purposes. A Bill to be entitled An Act authorizing a Road Tax in Hernando county. A Bill to be entitled An Act to provide for the maintenance of William Crawford, a lunatic, carried by law to a Lunatic Asylum. A Bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act entitled in part An Act providing new modes of investing the School Fund. A Bill to be entitled An Act to incorporate the city of Tampa. A Bill to be entitled An Act to protect and preserve from depre. dation the School, Swamp, Seminary and Internal Improvement Lands of this State. A Bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act to authorize B. Т. Jordan to build a bridge across the Suwannee river, and for other purposes. A Bill to be entitled an Act for the relief of Benjamin Hopkins. A Bill to be entitled An Act to repeal certain Acts now in force in this State relative to taxes. Senate Bill to be entitled An Act to establish an uniform rate of commissions throughout this State upon wrecked or disabled vessels or cargoes. Resolution in relation to the Mail betweem Tampa and Old Tampa. Resolution in relation to claims on Congress for Military services in 1849, recognized by the State of Florida; and Resolution requiring the State Engineer to examine and report upon certain proposed improvements of Rivers. The House has rejected Senate Bill to be entitled An Act to change the names of certain persons therein mentioned. The House has ordered the printing of 150 copies of a Bill to be entitled An Act to apportion the representation of the State of Florida. Very respectfully, HUGH A. CORLEY, Clerk House of Representatives. Which was read and the House bills accompanying the same placed among the orders of the day, and Senate bills ordered to be enrolled. ORDERS OF THE DAY. Resolution relative to the payment of the companies of Captains Jernigan and Duvall was read a second time, On motion, rule waived, read third time by title and, on the question of its adoption, the vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Criglar, Eppes, Filor, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Nicholson, Perry and Smith-13. Nays-Messrs. Duncan, Gillis, Myrick and Tracy-4. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. House bill to be entitled An Act to authorize the introduction of Reciever's receipts as evidence of title to lands purchased of the United States in certain cases, was read a second time and placed among the orders for to-morrow. House bill to be entitled An Act amendatory to the laws now in force in relation to the acknowledgment or proof of deeds, was read the second time, and, On motion, said bill was indefinitely postponed. A bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of non-residents own ing property in this State, was read the second time, and, On motion, was referred to the Judiciary Committee. A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize the sale of sixteenth sections in Escambia county, was read the third time, and, on the question of its passage, the vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Criglar, Duncan, Gillis, Hawes, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Smith and Tracy-15. Nays-None. So said bill passed, title as stated. Ordered to be certified to House of Representatives. House Bill to be entitled An Act to allow William Colson, to enter the North East quarter of Section 16, T. 7., R. 19 S. and E., of the Common School Fund, was read the third time and on the question of its passage, the vote was : Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Criglar, Duncan, Eppes, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Loug, Nicholson, Pery, Smith, and Tracy-15 Nays-none. So said bill passed, title as stated. Ordered that the same be certified to the House of Representa. tives. Mr. Long moved that the rule be waived, and he allowed to make reports from Judiciary Committee, which motion prevailed, and Mr. Long as chairman of said committee introduced the following REPORTS: The Judiciary Committee, to whom was referred a bill to be en. titled An Act to change the First Section of the Ninth Article of the Constitution of this State, have considered the same, and a majority of said committee instruct the undersigned to recommend that said bill do pass. The reasons upon which the proposed amendment rests, are deemed too obvious to require enumeration by the committee. As a measure of economy and convenience, the amendment commends itself to the favorable consideration of a majority of the committee. Respectfully submitted, M. A. LONG, Chairman, Which was recieved and concured in. The Judiciary Committee to whom was referred a communication or memorial from a citizen of Dade county, praying the appoint. ment of a Justice of the Peace, with extraordinary powers and jurisdiction, have considered the same. The Committee are unable to perceive how the petition can be granted consistantly with the constitutfon of the State, and have been unable to devise a plan to answer the desire or wants of the memorialist, without the exercise of very doubtful power by the General Assembly. The Committee therefore, recommend that said memorial be laid on the table, and the Committee discharged from its further consideration Respectfully submitted, M. A. LONG, Chairman, Which was recieved and concurred in. House bill to be entitled An Act to repeal An Act in relation to electing County Commissioners in the county of Gadsden, was read the third time and informally passed. Resolution in relation to a bill creating a fifth Judicial Circuit in this State, was read the first time, On motion of Mr. Hopkins, rule waived, read a second time, and Mr. Criglar moved its indefinite postponement, upon which the yeas and nays were called for by Messrs. Hopkins and Nicholson. Yeas-Messrs. Bird, Cone, Criglar, Filor, Kilcrease, Long, My. rick and Perry-8. Nays-Mr. President, Messrs. Brinson, Duncan, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Nicholson, Smith and Tracy-10. So said motion was lost, and the resolution ordered to be engrossed for a third reading on to-morrow. A bill to be entitled An Act to provide for the expenses of adjourned session of the General Assembly, and for a payment of interest on the loans from the Internal Improvement, School and Seminary Funds, was read second time, and, On motion, rule waived, and, on question of its passage, the vote was: Yeas-Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Duncan, Eppes, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Nicholson, Perry and Tracy-12. Nays | Messrs. Long and Myrick-2. So said bill passed, title as stated. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. On motion, rule was waived and Mr. Filor excused from further attendance on the Senate after Thursday evening next. A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize restitution by the State to plaintiffs in error or appellants who have reversed or may reverse judgments in favor of the State, Was read the third time, and, on the question of its passage, the vote was: Yeas-Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Criglar, Duncan, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Nicholson and Perry-13. Nays-Mr. President, Messrs. Eppes, Hopkins, Smith and Tracy-5. So said bill passed, title as stated. Ordered that the same be certified to House of Representatives. An Act in relation to Constables in the county of Hamilton was read the third time, and, on its passage, the vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Criglar, Duncan, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long and Smith-13. Nays-Mr. Myrick-1. So said bill passed, title as stated. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. A bill to be entitled An Act to change the name of Francis Amanda Oglesby, and for other purposes, was read the third time, and, on the question of its passage, the vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Criglar, Duncan, Eppes, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Nays-None. So said bill passed, titile as stated. On motion, rules waived and Messrs. Filer, Cone and Criglar, appointed a Committee to the bills asked for by them on yesterday. A bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act relative to taking depositions under commission, Was read with amendments made by House of Representatives, and said amendments were concurred in. Ordered that the same be certified to the House of Representatives. A bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act regulating com. mon law proceedings, Was read as amended by the House of Representatives, and said amendments concurred in. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. House bill to be entitled An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Florida Railroad Company, Was read first time and ordered for a second reading on to mor row. House bill to be entitled An Act to organize the Counties of Taylor and Suwannee, Was read the first time and ordered for a second reading on morrow. On motion, the Senate took a recess until 3 o'clock, P. M. 3 o'clock, P. М. The Senate resumed its session, and proceeded to business. Act to organize the Counties of Taylor and Suwannee, Was read second time by title, and, On motion, to refer to Committee on Census and apportionment, the Yeas and Nays were called for by Messrs. Myrick and Gillis, and the vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Criglar, Duncan, Eppes, Filor, Gillis, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Myrick and Smith-10. Nays-Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Hawes, Perry and Tracy -6. Messrs. Galbraith, Shine and Darling, a Committee from the House, asked the return of a bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of Benjamin Hopkins. 1 |