and at the end of the last section add the words "Provided that two months notice shall be given to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of such set off or assignment and a copy of the same be filed with said Board of Trustees." On motion, said bill was read third time by title, and, on the question of its passage, the vote was: Yeas---Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Criglar, Duncan, Filor, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Nickolson, Perry, Smith and Tracy-14. Nays-Messrs. Eppes, Gillis, Myrick and Wynn-4. Ordered to be so certified to the House of Representatives. Hon. H. V. Snell, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, President of the Senate : { SIR:-I have approved and signed the following bill and resolution: "An Act to amend An Act entitled An Act to amend An Act Incorporating the City of Apalachicola." Approved January 22, A. D., 1855, and, "Resolution relative to the establishment of a Land Office in Santa Rosa County. Which was read. Very Respectfully, JAMES E. BROOME. Resolution in relation to a bill creating a 5th Judicial Circuit in this State, was read third time and lost. On motion of Mr. Kilcrease, the rule was waived and he allowed to make the following REPORT: The Select Committee, to whom was referred a bill to be entitled An Act to organize the county of Liberty, have had the same under consideration and a majority thereof see no reasonable cause why said bill should not pass, with the following amendment: In 1st section of printed bill, strike out all after word "these," in 5th line, to word "shall," and insert in lieu thereof the following: Down said river to a place known as Owl Creek; thence up said Owl Creek to the mouth of Black Mill Creek; thence due East to the Ocklocknee river; thence up said river to the mouth of Ocklocwahaw Creek; thence up said creek to its source; from thence due North to the Rock Bluff, on Old Federal road; from thence along said road to Rock Bluff, on the Apalachicola river. And in 10th line, after word Liberty, in first section, the following proviso: Provided, however, that nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to alter, abridge or impair the boundary line of Franklin county as established and defined by an Act entitled an Act to change and establish the lines of Franklin county, approved Jan'y 13th, 1851. Your Committee further recommend, that section 2nd, in 8th line in printed bill, figure 5 should be erased and 6 inserted, so as to read 1856. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. E. KILCREASE, Which was received and concurred in, and the bill placed among the orders for tomorrow. The following message was recieved from the House of Representatives: Hon. President of the Senate : HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SIR-The House has passed Senate bill to be entitled An Act for the benefit of the Seminary of Learning, located East of the Suwannee river, with the enclosed amendment, in which amendment the concurrence of the Senate is respectfully requested. Very respectfully, HUGH A. CORLEY, Clerk House Representatives. Which was read and Senate bills accompanying the same ordered to be enrolled, and House bill placed among the orders. House bill to be entitled An Act to organize the county of Hayne, was read 1st time, On motion, the rule was waived and the bill read the second time by its title. On motion of Mr. Hopkins, said bill was indefinitely postponed. The following message was received from the Senate : Hon. President of the Senate : HOUSE REPRESENTATIES, December 12th, 1855. SIR:-The House has passed the following Bills and Resolu tions, viz : Senate bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Aci to incorporate the town of Milton, in Santa Rosa county. Senate bill to be entitled An Act to incorporate the town of New Port, county of Wakulla, State of Florida. Senate bill to be entitled An Act to amend the laws in this State in relation to the partition of real estate. Senate bill to be entitled An Act in relation to hunting in this State by citizens of other States. Senate bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of Dr. R. H. Shaffer. Senate resolution in reference to a naval depot on Amelia Island. Senate preamble and resolution for the relief of John J. Williams of Leon county. A bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act to incorporate the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad Company. A bill to be entitled An Act to organize the county of Hayne. A bill to be entitled An Act to extend the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace in the counties of Gadsden and Duval, and for other purposes. A bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of certain persons therein named. A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize the Register of Public Lands to sell the remaining 40 acre tract in section 16. T. 2, R. 2 N. and W. A bill to be entitle an An Act to provide for the payment of Hon. Thomas T. King and Hon. J. Wayles Baker for services in attending the sessions of the Supreme Court. Resolution in relation to Bay Port. Resolution urging upon Congress the removal of the Seminole Indians; and Resolution asking Congress to make an appropriation for the benefit of John L. McLane, of the State of Florida, county of Gads den. The House has passed Senate bill to be entitled An Act in relation to a road tax in Putnam county with the following amendment, viz: Strike out "five" in the first section and insert "two." In which_amendment the concurrence of the Senate is respectfully requested. Very respectfully, HUGH A. CORLEY, Clerk House of Representatives. Also the following Message was received from the House : } Hon. President of the Senate : SIR:-The House has passed, without amendment, Senate bill to be entitled An Act to facilitate the construction of the various lines of railroad in this State provided for by An Act entitled An Act to provide for and encourage a liberal system of Internal Improvement in this State, approved January 6th, 1855. Very respectfully, HUGH A. CORLEY, Clerk House Representatives. House bill asking Congress to make an appropriation for the benefit of John L. McLane, of the State of Florida, County of Gads. den, Read a first time, rule waived, read second and third time, and adopted. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. House bill to be enttitled An Act for the relief of certain persons therein named, Was read the first time, and, On motion, said bill was laid on the table. House bill to be entitled An Act to provide for the payment of Honorable Thos. F. King and J. Wayles Baker, for services in attending the sessions of the Supreme Court, Was read the first time, on motion, rule waived, and the bill read a second time by title, when on motion of Mr. Myrick, the bill was amended by adding the name of Jesse J. Finley, after the name of J. Wayles Baker, and, On motion, said bill was passed over informally for the present. Resolution asking Congress to hasten the removal of the Seminoles Indians from our State, Was read and adopted. House bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act to incorporate the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad Company, Was read the first time, and, On motion, rule waived, and the bill read second and third time by its title, and on the question of its passage, the vote was : Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Criglar, Duncan, Eppes, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Smith and Tracy-15. Nays-none. So said bill passed, title as stated, Ordered that the same be certified to the House of Representatives. House bill to be entitied An Act to extend the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace in Gadsden and Duval Counties and for other purposes, Was read the first time, on motion, rule waived, and the bill read the second time by its title, and ordered for a third reading on to-morrow. Resolution relative to Bay Port, Was read and adopted. House amendment to Senate bill entitled An Act for the benefit of the Seminary of Learning located east of the Suwannee River, was concurred in. On motion, the Senate adjourned until to-morrow 10 o'clock, A. M. WEDNESDAY, December 13, 1855. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. A quorum being present, The Rev. Mr. Turner officiated as Chaplain. On motion, The reading of the Journal was dispensed with, The following bills having been signed by the presiding officers of both Houses of the General Assembly, were forwarded to his Excellency the Governor, for his approval, viz : An Act to amend An Act entitled An Act in relation to pilotage at the port of Key West. An Act to authorize William A. Moseley to establish a Ferry on Suwannee river. An Act amendatory to An Act to establish election precincts in Putnam County, approved Dec. 14, 1852. An Act authorizing Kirkland R. Duke to establish a ferry across the St. Johns river. An Act declaratory of the law in relation to the replevy of property levied upon by execution. MOTIONS. On motion of Mr. Kilcrease, A bill to be entitled An Act to repeal An Act in relation to electing County Commissioners in the county of Gadsden, was taken from the table and placed among the orders of the day. On Motion of Mr. Long, |