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this late date might work injuriously, while no possible benefit could result from such action.

Your Committee are admonished from the length of time said Act of 1838 has been in force, that rights may have become vested under the same, and not recognising the right of the Legislature to divest the same by any action on their part, they instruct the undersigned to recommend that said bill do not pass.


Which was read and concurred in, and the bill reported upon and placed among the orders of the day. The following message was received from the House of Representatives:

December 14, 1855.

Hon. President of the Senate:


SIR-The Senate has adopted the following resolutions, viz : Resolution in relation to buoys for the harbors of Cedar Keys and Bay Port; and,

Resolution in aid of the Palatka and Micanopy Plank Road Company.

The House has concurred in Senate amendments to a bill to be entitled An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Florida Railroad Company.

Very respectfully,

HUGH A. CORLEY, Clerk House Representatives.

Which was read and the bills accompanying the same placed

among the orders.

On motion the rule was waived, and Mr Long from Committee on Enrolled Bills permitted to make the following


The Committe on Enrolled Bills have examined and find correctly enrolled :

An Act to incorporate the Lagoon and Perdido Canal Company.

Respectfully submitted,

M. A. LONG, Chairman Committee on Enrolled Bills.

Which was received and concurred in.

A committee from the House, consisting of Messrs. Galbraith, Foy and Mays, waited upon the Senate and informed them that they had been appointed a committee of conference on the part of the House to act with a similar committee on the part of the Senate in relation to "a Bill to be entitled An Act to establish the ad valorem system of Taxation.

On motion, Messrs. Wynn, Perry and Cone were appointed a committee on the part of the Senate to inform the House that the Senate had appointed a committee to confer with the committee appointed by the House.

On motion, the Senate took a recess until 3 o'clock, P. M.

The Senate resumed its session.

3 o'clock, P. М.

The following bills and resolutions having passed both Houses of the General Assembly and signed by the presiding officers thereof were forwarded to his Excellency, the Governor, for his approval,


A bill to be entitled An Act to incorporate the Perdido and Canal Company.

An Act to establish an uniform rate of Commissions throughout this State upon wrecked or disabled vessels and their cargoes.

An Act to amend the laws of this State, now in force, relative to the partition of real estate.

An Act for the relief of Dr. R. H. Shaffer.

An Act to change the name of Frances Amanda Vienna Oglesby, and for other purposes.

An Act to authorize County Commissioners to extend charters to bridges and ferries.

An Act to repeal An Act entitled An Act to establish the rates of wharfage, dockage and storage in the city of Key West, county of Monroe.

An Act in relation to hunting in this State by citizens of other States.

An Act to facilitate the construction of the various lines of railroad provided for by the Act entitled An Act to provide for and encourage a liberal system of Internal Improvements in this State, approved January 6th, 1855.

An Act for the relief of George Combs, a citizen of Columbia county, in this State.

Resolution in relation to a naval depot on Amelia Island.
Resolution for the relief of M. D. Papy.

Resolution relative to the confirmation by the General Govern.

ment of titles to certain lands to the State; and,

Resolution relative to the claims of Captains Jernigan and Devall. The rule was waived, on motion, and Mr. Long, from the Com

mittee on Enrolled Bills, made the following


The Committee on Enrolled Bills have examined and find correctly enrolled

An Act in relation to Constables in the county of Hamilton.

An Act to authorize restitution by the State to plaintiffs in error or appellants who have reversed or may reverse judgments rendered in favor of the State.

An Act to authorize the drainage of Lake Orange, situated in the counties of Marion and Alachua.

An Act to amend the Act regulating common law proceedings. An Act to authorize the sale of sixteenth sections in Escambia county.

An Act for the benefit of the Seminary of Learning, located East of the Suwannee river.

[blocks in formation]

Chairman Committee on Enrolled Bills.

House bill to be entitled An Act to repeal chapter First of Title Sixth of the Second Division of the Laws contained in Thompson's Digest, was read the third time, and on the question of its passage the vote was:

Yeas-Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone and Duncan--5.

Nays--Mr. President, Messrs. Eppes, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Long, Myrick, Tracy and Wynn--8.

So said bill was lost.

Order that the same be certified to the House of Representatives. House Resolution in relation to Buoys for the Harbors of Cedar Keys and Bay Port, was read and adopted.

House Resolution in aid of the Palatka and Micanopy Plank Road Company, was read and adopted.

On motion of Mr. Wynn, the rule was waived an he allowed to make the following


The Joint Select Committee of Conference to whom was referred a Bill to be entitled An Act to establish the ad valorem system of Taxation, have considered the same and ask leave to report that they recommend the passage of the same with sundry amendments which they believe will meet the views of both branches of the General Assembly. The Committee further report, that they are satisfied that the passage of the Bill as now amended by the Committee is altogether necessary on account of the financial condition of the State, and to preserve the credit of the same. We believe that the rate of one sixth of one per centum which is recommended by this Committee will raise a sufficient revenue for the current expenses of the State, and a small surplus to pay a portion of the existing State debt.

The difficulty of perfecting at once a new system of Taxation is felt by the Committee, but they have arrived as nearly at a correct estimate of the necessities of the Government and the amount of re venue necessary to meet them as they could from the circumstaces of the case.

Which was read and concurred in.

WM. B. WYNN, Chairman Senate Committee. JOHN PARSONS, Chairman House Committee.

On motion the rule was waived and Mr. Kilcrease made the following


The Committee, to whom was referred a bill to be entitled An Act in relation to electing County Commissioners in the county of Gadsden, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me, as their Chairman, to report, that since the organization of the county of Liberty has been formed out of a portion of the county of Gadsden, they see no very great necessity for the subdivision of the county of Gadsden, as contemplated by the Act that this bill seeks to repeal; and inasmuch as the county of Gadsden is now without any legal County Commissioners, caused by the neglect of the Commissioners who were in office at the time of the passage of this bill, sought to be repealed, whose duty it was to subdivide said county; whereas it may be some time before the county of Liberty may organize under the provisions of An Act which passed this day the General Assembly, authorizing the establishment of said county out of a portion of the county of Gadsden, ycur Committee recommend the passage of the bill, with the following amendment. After the word "passed," 4th line, section 2, add, until the organi. zation of the county of Liberty. After "until which time the Judge of Probate shall order an election to be held (as now prescribed by jaw) to fill the vacancy which will occur by Wm. Gregory, a Com. missioner elected on the 1st Monday in October last, who will, by said organization, become a citizen of Liberty county.

All of which is respectfully submitted,


Which was read and concurred in, and the bill accompanying the same placed among the orders of the day.

The following message was received from his Excellency, the Governor, viz :

Hon. H. V. Snell,

President of the Senate :


December 14, 1855.


SIR:-I respectfully return to the Senate, without my approval, a bill entitled "An Act to amend An Act, entitled An Act to amend An Act in relation to pilotage at the Port of Key West."

The first clause of the fifth Section of the Constitution vests the Judicial power of this State, in a Supreme Court, Courts of Chancery, Circuit Courts, and Justices of the Peace, except some unimportant criminal Jurisdiction, which the General Assembly is authorized to vest in Corporation Courts.

The twelfth section of the bill under consideration provides that the commissioners of pilotage appointed under its authority "may issue writs, enter Judgments, and issue executions and attachments" in certain cases, all of which involve the exercise of Judicial powers and powers which I think cannot be constitutionally conferred by the General Assembly.

Very respectfully,


Which was read, and, upon the question shall said bill become a law, the vote was: Yeas--None.

Nays--Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Eppes, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long and Perry--11.

The following message was received from the House, viz:

Hon. President of the Senate :

December 14, 1855.


Sir-The House has concurred in the report of the Committee of Conference to whom was referred the bill to be entitled An Act to establish the ad valorem system of taxation, and Senate amendments thereto.

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