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The House has passed Senate bill to be entitled An Act making appropriation for the expenses of the State Government for the fiscal year 1856, with enclosed amendments, in which amendments the concurrence of the Senate is respectfully requested.

The House has passed, without amendment, Senate bill to be entitled An Act to provide forthe expenses of the adjourned session of the General Assembly, and for a payment of interest on the loans from the Internal Improvement, School and Seminary Funds.

The House has concurred in Senate amendments to the following bill and Resolutions, viz:

A bill to be entitled An Act to organize the County of Liberty; Resolution to increase the pay of the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives; and

Resolution authorizing the Comptroller of Public Accounts to audit and the Treasurer to pay the account of James M. Smith, of Gadsden County;

The House adheres to amendments to the following bill and resolution, viz :

Senate bill to be entitled An Act in relation to a Road Tax in Putnam County; and

Senate Resolution relative to copying the laws of the adjourned session of this General Assembly;

The House has indefinitely postponed Senate Resolution relative to the public lands.

Very Respectfully,
Clerk Hos. Reps.

Which was read and the bills placed among the orders. The rule being waived, on motion, Mr. Wynn was excused from further attendance upon the Senate after 8 o'clock this evening.

A bill to be entitled An Act making appropriation for the expenses of the State government for the fiscal year 1856, and for other purposes, with House amendments thereto, increasing compensation of F. L. Villepigue, for services in preparing census returns, from $100 to $300, was read, and, upon the question of concurrence in said amendment, the yeas and nays were called for by Messrs. Myrick and Tracy, and were :

Yeas--Messrs. Brinson, Cone, Kilcrease and Perry--4.
Nays-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Duncan, Eppes, Gillis,
Hawes, Hopkins, Long, Myrick, Tracy and Wynn--11.
So said amendment was not concurred in.

Ordered to be so certified to the House of Representatives.
Upon the question of concurrence in House amendment to said

bill allowing John P. K. Savage $63 the yeas and nays were called for by Messrs. Myrick and Duncan, and were : Yeas--Messrs. Brinson and Hawes-2.

Nays-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Cone, Duncan, Eppes, Gillis, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Perry, Smith, Tracy and Wynn-14.

So said amendment was not concurred in.

House bill to be entitled An Act in relation to the election of County Commissioners in Gadsden County,

Was read the second time by its title and ordered for a third read.

ing on to-morrow.

On motion,

The Senate took a recess until 71⁄2 o'clock, P. M.

7 o'clock, P. M.

The Senate resumed its Session.

The following bills having passed both Houses of the General Assembly, and having been signed by the presiding officers therof was forwarded to his Excellency the Governor for approval, viz:

An Act to amend An Act regulating common law proceedings.

An Act for the benefit of the seminary of learning located East of the Suwannee river.

An Act to authorize the sale of 16th sections in Escambia county. An Act to authorize the drainage of lake Orange, situated in the

counties of Marion and Alachua.

An Act in relation to constables in the county of Hamilton. An Act to authorize the restitution by the State to plaintiffs in error, or appellants who have reversed or may reverse Judgments in favor of the State.

On motion of Mr. Wynn the rule was waived, and he allowed to introduce a Resolution for the reliet of Hon. Joel Porter, which was read the first time, and on motion the rule was waived and said Resolution was read the second and third times by its title and adopted. House bill to be entitled An Act to repeal An Act in relation to electing County Commissioners in the County of Gadsden, was read the third time, and on the question of its passage the vote was:

Yeas--Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Duncan, Eppes, Gillis, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Myrick, Perry, Tracy, and Wynn-13.


So said bill passed, title as stated.

Ordered that the same be certified to the House of Representatives.

A Bill to be entitled An Act in relation to a Road Tax in Putnam county, was informally passed over.

On motion, Messrs. Long, Brinson and Cone were appointed a Committee of Conference to act with a similar committee on the part of the House in relation to Senate Resolution relative to copying the Laws of the adjourned session of the General Assembly.

The following Messages was received from the House of Repres. entatives.

December 14th, 1855.

Hon. President of the Senate :


SIR:-The House has receeded from amendment to Senate bill to be entitled An Act making appropritions for the expenses of the State Government for the fiscal year 1856, relative to compensation to F. L. Villapigue and J. P. K. Savage.

The House has rejected Senate Bill to be entitled An Act to amend the First Section of the Ninth Article of the Constitution of this State.

Very respectfully,

HUGH A. CORLEY, Clerk House of Representatives.


December 14th, 1855.

Hon. President of the Senate:

SIR-The House has appointed Messrs. Pope, Dilworth and Langford, a Committee on the part of the House to confer with Committee appointed on the part of the Senate relative to the disagree. ment between the two Houses, upon the Resolution relative to copying the laws of the present session.

Very respectfully,

HUGH A. CORLEY, Clerk House Representatives.

Which was read, and bill accompanying the same ordered to be enrolled.

On motion, the rule was waived and Mr. Long introduced a resolution for the relief of Hugh A. Corley,

Which was read the first time, and, on motion, the rule was waiv. ed and the resolution read the second and third times and adopted. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives.

On motion, Mr. Myrick was excused from further attendance or the Senate after to-night.

On motion, the Senate adjourned until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning.

SATURDAY, December 15, 1855.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

A quorum being present,

The Rev. Mr. Turner officiated as Chaplain.

The reading of the Journal was dispensed with.


On motion of Mr. Tracy, the Senator from Walton was excussed

fiom further attendance on the Senate.


The following petition was received :

[The petition was not furnished us by the Secretary of the Senate. -PRINTER.]

Which was read and referred to a Select Committee consisting of Messrs. Perry, Bird and Kilcrease.

The following Message was received from his Excellency the Governor :


President of the Senate :

December 14th, 1855.


SIR:-I respectfully return without my approval a "Resolution relative to the claims of Captain's Jannigan and Devall," &c.

The accounts of these parties are understood to be on file in the Comptrollers Office, and to have been registered by that officer.The Resolution under consideration instructs the Comptroller peremptorily to audit and allow these accounts. I respectfully submit, that as we hope to get this money refunded at some future day by the General Government, it would be better to authorize the Comptroller to take testimony on the subject of these services, and settle for them on such evidence as will give us reason to hope that we shall be repaid. I respectfully request the reconsideration of the resolution.

Very respectfully,


Which was read, and upon the question shall this Resolution be passed over the veto of the Governor the vote was : Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird and Hawes.

Nays-Messrs. Cone, Duncan, Eppes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Perry and Tracy-8.

So said Resolution was not passed over the veto of the Governor. The following message was also received from the Governor :

Hon. H. V. Snell,

President of the Senate :


December 14, 1855.


SIR-I respectfully return, without my approval, a "Preamble and Resolution for the relief of John J. Williams of Leon county."

The resolution provides for refunding to John J. Williams the sum of one hundred and sixteen dollars and 38 cents, which it alleges was paid by him upon an unjust and improper assessment of taxes. I have not been able to concur in the opinion here expressed. The late Mr. Thompson was appointed, some seven or eight years since, by the Judge of Probate of Leon county, guardian of the estate of his daughter, Miss Eliza Thompson. He entered into bond, with two good and sufficient sureties, in the penalty of one hundred thousand dollars, and soon thereafter filed his account as such guardian, showing that he had recieved for his ward a large estate, which he reported as at interest. On each succeeding year during his lifetime he filed his account, charging himself with the collection of the interest upon the whole amount. A portion of this estate he loaned out and the residue he retained at interest himself. The estate, however, was not the less at interest because retained by the guardian. The collection was acknowledged regularly, and the amount passed annually to the credit of his ward. From a misapprehension of the law, Mr. Thompson reported to the Tax Assessor only so much of this money at interest as was loaned to other persons, and the resolution under consideration proposes to refund as improperly collected so much of the tax as was assessed upon the amount kept by the guardian. The law provides that " upon all money loaned at interest a tax of twenty-two cents on every hundred dollars so loaned or kept at interest" shall be levied, &c. The State taxes money at interest, because it is property and should bear its due proportion of the burdens of government. It is a matter of entire indifference whether a guardian loans out the money of his ward or keeps it himself at interest. In either case, the State is entitled to the tax. So far from the case under consideration being

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