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Gillis, Hawes, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Smith and Tracy-14.

House bill to be entitled An Act to change the name of Josephine Flournoy, and for other purposes, was read the second time, rule waived, read a third time and put upon its passage.

The vote was:

Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Brinson, Criglar, Duncan Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Smith and Tracy-14.


The bill passed, titled as stated,

Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives.

House bill to be entitled An Act to allow Franklin Link to enter a part of a sixteenth section, on which he has settled, was read a second time and amended as follows, viz:

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Register be authorized to sell to Andrew W. Garner, of Hernando county, the N. of the N. E. & of section No. 4 of township No. 21 of range 19 South and East, also the S. of the S. E. quarter of section 33 of township 20 of range 19 S. and E., at their appraised value.

And said bill, as amended, was read the third time and put upon its passage.

The vote was:

YEAS-Mr. President, Messrs. Brinson, Criglar, Duncan, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Kilcrease, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Smith and Tracey-13.

The bill passd.

The title to said bill was amended as follows:

"A bill to be entitled An Act to allow Franklin Link to enter a part of a sixteenth section, on which he has settled, and for other purposes," and the same ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives.

House bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of William Sapp, of Madison county, was read the second time and rule waived, read a third time and put upon its passage.

The vote was:

Yeas-Messrs. Brinson, Duncan, Hawes and Tracy-4.

Nays-Mr. President, Messrs. Criglar, Hopkins, Nicholson,

Smith and Wynn-7.

The bill was lost.

House bill to be entitled An Act in reference to judicial proceedings, and for other purposes, was read the first time, rule waived, read a second time, and,

On motion, indefinitely postponed.

A Committee from the House, consisting of Messrs. Pope, Penn and Whitehurst, informed the Senate of the wish of the House for the return by the Senate on the following bills, viz :

• Senate bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act to incorporate the town of Milton, in Santa Rosa county; and,

Senate bill to be entitled An Act to incorporate the town of New Port, county of Wakulla, State of Florida.

House bill to be entitled An Act to alter the dividing line be. tween Franklin and Calhoun counties, was read the first time, the rule waived, read a second time by its title and ordered for a third reading on to-morrow.

House bill to be entitled An Act to authorize the introduction of Receiver's receipts as evidence of title to lands purchased from the United States in certain cases, was read the first time and ordered for a second reading to-morrow.

A bill to be entitled An Act to provide for the filling vacancies in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit, Supreme and Chancery Courts in this State,

Was read the first time, the rule waived, read a second and third time, and put upon its passage, the vote was :

Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Brinson, Criglar, Duncan, Eppes, Filor, Gilli, sHawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Smith, Tracy and Wynn-17.


The bill passed, title as stated,

Ordered that the same be certified to the House of Representatives.

House bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of the County of Manatee,

Was read the first time, rule waived, read a second and third time by its title, and put upon its passage, the vote was:

Yeas-Mr. President, Mressrs. Brinson, Criglar, Duncan, Eppes, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Smith, Tracy and Wynn-17.


So the bill passed, titled as stated,

Ordered to be certified to the House of Representives.

House bill to entitled An Act amendatory of the law in relation

to the acknowledgement of deeds,

Was read the first time, and placed among the orders of the day

for to-morrow.

House bill to be entitled An Act to organize the County of Liberty, was read the third time, and,

On motion,

Referred to a select Committee, composed of Messrs. Kilcrease, Eppes and Gillis.

A bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of non-residents, owning property in this State,

Was read the first time and ordered for a second reading on to


A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize restitution by the State to plaintiffs in error, or appellants who have reversed, or may reverse judgments in favor of the State,

Was read the first time, the rule waived, read a second time by its title, and ordered to be engrossed.

The rule being waived, Mr. Myrick from the Committee on Schools and Colleges, made the following


The Committee on Schools and Colleges, to whom was referred a Bill to allow William Colson to enter certain lands therein, report that they have had the same under consideration and recommend its passage.


Which was read and the bill accompanying same, placed among the orders of the day.

An Act to be entitled An Act in addition to An Act to provide for the contesting the validity of Wills in the Circuit Courts of this State, approved January 8th, 1853, was read the first time and, on motion, laid upon the table.

A bill to be entitled An Act to amend the Laws in this State, now in force relative to the partition of Real Estate, was read the first time, the rule waived, read a second and third time by its title and put upon its passage, the vote was :

Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Criglar, Duncan, Eppes, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Nicholson, Smith and Tracy--15.


The bill passed, title as stated.

Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives.


On motion, the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, 10 o'clock A.

TUESDAY, December 11th, 1855.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

A quorum being present, the Rev. Mr. Turner officiated as Chap. lain.


On motion of Mr. Tracy, rule waived and a bill to be entitled An Act to repeal An Act in relation to electing County Commissioners in the county of Gadsden was taken from the table and placed among the orders of the day.

On motion, the rule waived and Mr. Filor allowed to introduce, without previous notice, a bill to be entitled An Act to provide for the expenses of adjourned session of the General Assembly, and for a payment of interest on the loans from the Internal Improvement Fund.


Mr. Hopkins introduced the following resolution, viz: Resolved, as the opinion of the General Assembly, That the Act passed by both Houses of the present General Assembly, entitled An Act to create a fifth judicial circuit and to confer the powers and devolve the duties of the Justices of the Supreme Court upon the Circuit Judges, is now a law of this State and should be published along with the other laws of the present session, the Governor having failed to sign it or return it with his objections within five days after it was presented to him, as prescribed by the Constitution, and. the General Assembly not having prevented its return by an adjournment sine die, as is contemplated by the Constitution.


Mr. Filor from the Committee on Engrossed Bills, made the following report, viz:

The Committee on Engrossed Bills have examined and find correctly engrossed

A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize the drainage of Lake Orange, situated in the counties of Marion and Alachua.

A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize restitution by the State to plaintiffs in error or appellants who have reversed or may reverse judgments in favor of the State.

An Act in relation to Constables in the county of Hamilton. An Act to be entitled An Act to change the name of Francis Amanda Vienna Oglesby, and for other purposes.




The following messages were received from the House of Representatives, viz :

December 10th, 1855.

Hon. President of the Senate :

SIR:-The House has this day passed the following Bills and Resolutions, viz :

Senate Bill to be entitled An Act to incorporate the town of New Port, county of Wakulla, State of Florida.

Senate Bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act to incorporate the town of Milton, in Santa Rosa county.

Senate Bill to be entitled An Act to establish the rates of wharfage, storage and dockage in the Port of Key West, county of Monroe. Senate Bill to be entitled An Act to authorize County Commissioners to extend charters for bridges and terries in this State.

Senate Resolution relative to the confirmation by the General Government of titles to certain lands in this State.

A bill to be entitled An Act to organize the counties of Taylor and Suwannee.

A Bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act incorporating the Florida Rail Road Company.

A Bill to be entitled An Act to regulate the fees of County Surveyors ; and,

A Bill to be entitled An Act in addition to An Act creating the office of State Engineer and Geologist.

Very respectfully,


Clerk House of Representatives.

Which was read and the House bills placed among the orders of

the day, and Senate bill ordered to be enrolled.

Also the following:

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