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For the School and Seminary funds I have made the following investments, to wit:

For the School fund-Bond of the city of Tallahassee with individual guarantee, bearing 8 per ct. interest, payable semi-annually, for

For the School fund-Bond of Putnam county on ac't
loan, with individual guarantee, under act of General
Assembly, with 8 per ct. interest payable semi-an-

For the School fand-Three bonds of Wakulla county
on ac't loan to build a Court House for $662 50
each, with 8 per ct. interest, payable annually,
To which add this amount temporary loan from School
fund to contingent fund,

For the Seminary fund-One S. Carolina 6 per ct. bond for $1,492 45, purchased for

For the Seminary fund--Bond of Marion county on per ct. loan to build a jail, with individual security, bearing 8 per cent.

1,462 60

3,300 00

3,000 00

1,987 50

300 00

8,587 50

interest, payable annually, for

2,000 00

3,462 60

12,050 10

(For particulars see Appendix.)

The following is the aggregate amounts drawn upon the School'

Seminary and Internal Improvement funds :

From the School fund

For investment,

From the School fund

For census of chil. dren,

$8,587 50

118 10

8,587 50

From interest of School

fund for pay of teach

8,705 60 8,705 60


For Seminary fund on warrant for investment,

1,691 96 1,691 96

2,000 00

2,000 00

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The warrants drawn upon the last mentioned fund, all except one, for $100, under act of General Assembly, were to effect a transfer of said fund from the Treasury to the Treasurer of Board of Trustées of said fund.



The School Fund in ac't with Theodore W. Brevard, Comptroller.

[blocks in formation]

June 25-To three bonds of Wakulla county $662 50


To balance,

1,987 50

300 00

8,587 50

[blocks in formation]

Dec. 22-By amount warrant in favor Mayor of Tal


3,000 00


April 24-By amount warrant in favor H. L. Rutgers,
agent, on account loan to Putnam county,
June 25-By amount warrant in favor Geo. Miller,
Prest. Board Co. Com'rs Wakulla co.,
Aug. 7-To amount received of Treasurer advanced

3,300 00

1,987 50

300 00

to contingent fund,

By balance down,

8,587 50

300 00




The Seminary Fund in account with Therodore W. Brevard,

[blocks in formation]

Mach 6-To 1 So. Carolina 6 per cent. bond for

$1,492 45 at

Sept. 5-To bond of Marion county,

1,462 60

2,000 00.

3,462 60

[blocks in formation]

March 6-By cash received of Treasurer,

1,462 60

Sept. 5-By amount warrant in favor of John M. Mc.

Intosh, Judge of Probate and Pres. B'd Co.

[blocks in formation]

To the General Assembly of the State of Florida,

GENTLEMEN:--In compliance with the laws regulating this Department, the undersigned has the honor to submit herewith the following Reports, commencing the 1st day of November, 1854, and terminating the 31st. day of October, 1855.

The receipts of the Treasuery from Revenue and other sources applicable to claims against the State, were disbursed during the third quarter of the Fiscal year, and since that time Treasury Certificates have been issued, when demanded, in conformity with the law upon the subject. Amount issued to 1st instant, $11,832,17; amount redeemed $3628.84; balance outstanding, $8,203.33,

Accompanied herewith is An Abstract of Loans made to the State of Florida by the Internal Improvement Fund, the School Fund and the Seminary Fund with interest thereto, no loan of the kind was received by the State during the year above specefied.

No further applications have been made to purchase the lands remaining to the Tallahassee Fund, and an early public sale is proposed in order to close the business of the Fund.

Very respectfully,

Your obedient serv't.


State Treasurer.

The Treasurer in Account with the State of Florida from Nου. 1,

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[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The Treasurer in Account with the Internal Improvement Fund from



Νου. 1st. 1854, to April 9th, 1855.


Jan 1 To Amount paid F. L. Dancy
State Engineer 2 qrts. Salary
do D. L. Yulee
attendance session Board Int.
Imp. per diem and mileage,
2-To Amt. paid J. T. Archer
per diem for same

3-To Amt. paid J. C. Pelot per
diem and mileage for same
To Amt. paid N. S. Baldwin,
same per diem and mileage
To Amt. paid R. H. Long
4-per diem and mileage same,
6-To Amt. paid F. L. Dancy
Eng. Survey Fla., Rail Road

8-To Amt. paid J. C. McGehee attendance session Board Int. Imp. per diem and mileage 17-To Amt. paid this Funds portion expenses collecting land bonds per appropriation,

22-To Amt paid A. M. Ranand H. Wells


on account locating lands,
24-To Amt. paid H. Corley Sur-
vices B Int Imp.,

Feb. 7-To Amt. paid John Sapp, Act
89, chap 698 of 1854,
9-To amount paid J. P. K. Sav-
age services B'd Int. Impt,
14-To amt. paid A. M. Randolph
and Henry Wells, acp't loca-
ting lands,

April 3-To Amt. paid F. L. Dancy,
Eng. & Geol. qtr. salary,
To balance loans and interest
brought down, to be carried

$1,000 00

100 00

57 00

87 00

89 00

66 00

87 50

42 00

150 00

8,000 00

10 00

54 50

10 00

8,000 OC

500 00

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