ADJOURNED SESSION, Begun and Held in the City of Tallahassee, on STATI Callahassee: OFFICE OF THE FLORIDA SENTINEL. PRINTED BY BENJ. F. ALLEN. 1855. JOURNAL. MONDAY, November 26, 1855. This being the day to which the Senate adjourned, at 12 o'clock the same was called to order by the President, and the roll ordered to be called, when the following Senators answered to their names : Mr. President, Messrs, Cone, Eppes, Hawes, Long and Tracy-6. Hon. M. S. Perry, Senator elect from the fifthteenth Senatorial District, presented his credentials, and the oath of office was administered to him by J. T. Eppes, a Notary Public, and took his seat. A quorum not being present, on motion the Senate adjourned until to-morrow morning 11 o'clock. TUESDAY, Nov. 27, 1855. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. The Rev. Mr. Turner officiated as Chaplain. The Journal of yesterday was read and adopted. On motion of Mr. Myrick, the roll was called and the following Senators answered to their names, viz: Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Eppes, Hawes, Long, Myrick, Perry, Smith and Tracy-11. There being a quorum present, the Senate proceeded to organize. The President announced the resignation of the office of Chief Secretary by D. G. Livingston, Esq., as well, also, as that of the office of Sergeant-at-Arms by John G. Park, Esq. On motion of Mr. Long, the Senate proceeded to the election of Secretary. Mr. Long nominated John S. Purviance as a candidate for the office of Secretary. For Purviance the vote was, Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Eppes, Hawes, Long, Myrick, Perry, Smith and Tracy-11. John S. Purviance was declared duly elected Secretary of the Senate. On motion, the oath of office was administered to John S. Purviance by Hon. T. J. Eppes, a Notary Public. On motion of Mr. Long, the Senate proceeded to the election of n Assistant Secretary. Mr. Long nominated A. Perry Amaker, of Leon, as a candidate for the office of Assistant Secretary of the Senate. For Amaker the vote was, Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Eppes, Hawes, Long, Myrick, Perry, Smith and Tracy-11. A. P. Amaker was declared duly elected Assistant Secretary, and, on motion, the oath of office was administered to him by the Hon. T. J. Eppes, a Notary Public. On motion, the Senate proceeded to the election of Sergeant-atArms. Mr. Long nominated Mr. Carman, of Wakulla county. Mr. Briuson nominated Mr. Patterson, of Gadsden county. For Carman the vote was, Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Cone, Hawes, Long, Perry, Smith and Tracy-8. For Patterson, Messrs. Brinson, Eppes and Myrick-3. Mr. Carman was declared duly elected Sergeant-at-Arms, and the oath of office administered to him by Hon. T. J. Eppes, a Notary Public. On motion of Mr. Long, the Senate next proceeded to the election of Engrossing Clerk, vacated by the absence of Benjamin F. Parker, which motion, after discussion, was withdrawn for the pres ent. Mr. Hawes gave notice that he would, on some future day, ask leave to introduce a Bill, to be entitled an Act in relation to a road tax in Putnam County. Mr. Myrick gave notice that he would, on some future day, ask leave to introduce a Bill to establish Sale Days monthly in this State, and for other purposes. On motion, the Senate took a recess of 30 minutes. The Senate resumed its session, and on motion adjourned until tomorrow 10 o'clock A. Μ. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 28, 1855. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Rev. Mr. Turner officiated as Chaplain. On motion of Mr. Tracy, the reading of the journal of yesterday was omitted. A committee from the House of Representaives consisting of Messrs. Parsons, Galbraith and Penn, informed the Senate that the House was organized and ready to proceed to business. Mr. Long, moved to amend the journal of yesterday, which was done. On motion of Mr. Long, a committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Long, Tracy and Hopkins, was appointed to inform the House of Representatives, that the Senate was organized, and ready to pro ceed to business. Mr. Hawes gave notice, that, on some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a Bill to be entitled an Act, in relation to certain election precincts in Putnam County. Mr. Brinson gave notice, that, he would on some future day, ask leave to introduce a Bill for the division of Madison County, and for other purposes. The committee appointed to inform the House of Representatives, that the Senate was ready to proceed to business, returned and reported that duty discharged. On motion, a committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Long, Eppes and Cone, was appointed to act with a similar committee on the part of the House, to inform his Excellency the Governor, that the General Assembly was now organized and ready to receive any communication he might be pleased to make. Mr. Perry gave notice, that, he would on some future day, ask leave to introduce a Bill to be entitled an Act for the drainage of Lake Orange, and for other purposes. The committee appointed to wait upon his Excellency the Gov. ernor, returned and reported the duty assigned them discharged, and that the Governor would send in his communications immediately. Mr. Eppes presented the memorial of citizens of Apalachicola which was read. On motion, the rule was waived, and Mr. Eppes allowed to introduce without previous notice a Bill to be entitled an Act to amend an Act incorporating the City of Apalachicola, approved January 22d, A. D. 1851, which was placed among the orders of the day. The memorial of certain citizens of this State, relative to the employment of a Chaplain by the Senate, was received and read, and on motion, ordered to be laid upon the table. The following Message from the Governor, was received and read: |