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" That the cause or causes for which such removal shall be required, shall be stated at length in such address, and entered on the journals of each house : And provided... "
A Journal of the Proceedings of the Senate of the ... General Assembly of ... - Page 44
de Florida. Legislature. Senate - 1855
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The American's Guide: Comprising the Declaration of Independence : the ...

1828 - 494 pages
...assemhly : Provided, however, that the cause or causes for which such removal shall he required, shall he stated at length in such address, and entered on the journals of each Rouse ; and provided further, that the cause or causes shall he notified to ttie judge so intended...
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Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Alabama

Alabama - 1829 - 118 pages
...General Assembly: Prévit ed, however, That the cause ov causes fir which such removal shall he required, shall be stated at length in such address, and entered on the journals of ench house: And provuieo further, That the tause or causes shall be notified to the judçe so intended...
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A Digest of the Laws of the State of Alabama: Containing All the Statutes of ...

Alabama, John Gaston Aikin - 1833 - 664 pages
...general assembly ; Provided, however, that the cause or causes for which such removal shall be required, shall be stated at length in such address, and entered on the journals of each house ; Лт1 provided further, that the cause or causes shall be notified to the judge so intended to be...
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Manual for the Use of the Convention to Revise the Constitution of the State ...

New York (State). Constitutional Convention - 1846 - 410 pages
...them, on the address of two-thirds of each house of the general assembly ; provided, however, that the cause or causes shall be stated at length in such...causes shall be notified to the judge so intended to-be removed, and he shall be admitted to a hearing in his own defence, before any vote for such address...
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General Acts, Resolutions, and Memorials Adopted by the Legislature of Florida

Florida - 1851 - 234 pages
...shall remove any of them on the address of two-thirds of the General Assembly : Provided, however, That the cause, or causes, shall be stated at length in...causes, shall be notified to the Judge so intended £o be removed ; and he shall be admitted to a hearing in his own de'~^-^-x^» 1850. fence, before...
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The Constitutions of the Several States of the Union and United States ...

A. S. Barnes - 1852 - 676 pages
...them, on the address of two-thirds of each house of the General Assembly ; provided, however, that the cause or causes shall be stated at length in such...cause or causes shall be notified to the judge so in- • tended to be removed, and he shall be admitted to a hearing in his own defense, before any...
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The American's Guide

1855 - 576 pages
...impeachment ; provided, however, that the cause or causes^for which such removal shall be required, shall be stated at length in such address, and entered...the journals of each House ; and provided, further, tliat the cause or causes shall be notified to the Judges so intended to be removed ; and he shall...
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Letters from an Early Settler of Texas

William B. Dewees - 1858 - 326 pages
...for impeachment : provided, however, that the cause or causes for •which such removal be required, shall be stated at length in such address, and entered on the journals of each House: and, pro* vided further, that the cause or causes shall be notified to the Judge so intended to be removed,,...
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Journal of Proceedings of the Convention of Florida: Begun and Held at the ...

Florida. Constitutional Convention - 1865 - 180 pages
...remove any of them, on the address of two-thirds of the General Assembly': Provided, howeuer, That the cause or causes shall be stated at length in such address and entered on the journal of each House : And provided further, That the cause or causes shall be notified to such Judge...
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FRANKLIN B. HOUGII - 1867 - 604 pages
...remove any of them, on the address of two-thirds of the General Assembly ; Provided, however, That the cause or causes shall be stated at length in such...further. That the cause or causes shall be notified to such Judge so intended to be removed, and he shall be admitted to a hearing in his own defense before...
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