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" ... insurance on behalf of any insurance company, or transmits for any person other than himself an application for insurance, or a policy of insurance to or from such company, or advertises that... "
Annual Report of the Insurance Department of the State of Wisconsin - Page 23
de Wisconsin. Insurance Department - 1877
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Acts and Resolves Passed by the General Court

Massachusetts - 1861 - 446 pages company, whether chartered in this Commonwealth or elsewhere, or who transmits for any person other than himself, an application for insurance or...transmit the same, shall be held to be an agent of that company, to all intents and purposes and within the meaning of section seventy-seven of chapter...
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Acts and Resolves Passed by the General Court of Massachusetts

Massachusetts - 1864 - 476 pages
...chartered by and not estab- to b*' lished within this Commonwealth, or who transmits for any person other than himself an application for insurance, or a policy of insurance to or from such company, or who advertises that he will receive or transmit the same, shall be held to be an agent...
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Reports Made to the Senate and House of Representatives of the ..., Volume 1

Illinois - 1869 - 974 pages
...other than himself, an application for life insurance, or a policy of life insurance, to or from such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit...held to be an agent of such company to all intents ami purposes, and subject to all the duties, requisitions, liabilities and penalties set firth in the...
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General Acts Passed by the Legislature of Wisconsin

Wisconsin - 1870 - 298 pages
...application for life or accident insurance, or a policy of life or accident insurance, to or from such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit...agent of such company to all intents and purposes, and subject to all the duties, requisitions, liabilities and penalties set forth in the laws of this...
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Acts Passed at the ... Session of the General Assembly for the ..., Volume 1

Kentucky - 1870 - 730 pages
...exceeding one, thousand dollars. Penult j for ng without Wlinl colmtitutt'.s nircnt. 1870. or fr°m such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit...same, shall be held to be an agent of such company within the meaning of this act. § 44. Insurance Companies created by any other au8 o°he° tnor'tv...
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Wisconsin Session Laws

Wisconsin - 1871 - 330 pages, marine, inland, life or accident insurance *" an agent' company, or transmits for any person other than himself an application for insurance, or...agent of such company to all intents and purposes, unless it can be shown that he receives no commission or other compensation or consideration for siich...
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Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Indiana ..., Partie 2

Indiana. General Assembly. House, Indiana. General Assembly. House of Representatives - 1873 - 1042 pages
...other than himself, an application for life insurance, or a policy for life insurance, to or from such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit the same, shall be held to be agents of such company to all intents and purposes, and subject to all the duties, requisitions liabilities...
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The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois: A. D. 1874

Illinois - 1874 - 1270 pages
...other than himself, an application for life uisnrauce, or a policy of life insurance, to or from such company, or advertises that he. will receive or transmit the same, shall be held to be au agent of such company to all intents and purposes, and subject to all the duties, requisitions,...
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The Central Law Journal, Volume 12

1881 - 638 pages
...substance, provides that whoever solicits insurance on behalf of any insurance corporation, or transmits an application for insurance, or a policy of insurance to or from any such corporation, or who makes any contract of insurance, or collects or receives any premium for...
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Appendix to the Assembly Journal, Volume 2

Wisconsin - 1879 - 1240 pages
...offense. SECTION 1977. Whoever solicits insurance on behalf of any insurance corporation, or transmits an application for insurance or a policy of insurance to or from any such corporation, or who makes any contract of insurance or collects or receives any premium for...
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