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" ... any such company desiring to transact any such business as aforesaid by any agent or agents, in this state, shall first appoint an attorney in this state on whom process of law can be served... "
Annual Report of the Insurance Department of the State of Wisconsin - Page 33
de Wisconsin. Insurance Department - 1877
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Laws of the State of New York

New York (State) - 1853 - 1390 pages
...provisions of this act ; and any such company desiring to transact any such business, as aforesaid, by an agent or agents in this state, shall first this state on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the comptroller of this state a certified copy of the vote or resolution...
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A Treatise on the Law of Fire and Life Insurance: With an Appendix ...

Joseph Kinnicut Angell - 1855 - 692 pages
...provisions of this act : and any such company desiring to transact any such business, as aforesaid, by an agent or agents in this State, shall first appoint...this State, on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the comptroller of this State a certified copy of the vote or resolution...
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Public and Local Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan

Michigan - 1855 - 770 pages its issuing any policy of insurance, or transacting any insurance business, appoint an agent or attorney in this State, on whom process of law can be served; and such agent or attorney shall file with the county clerk ofcopt of ^ charter and the county where...
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Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Volume 32

1855 - 800 pages
...or association shall, previous to its issuing any policy of insurance business, appoint an «gent or attorney in this State, on whom process of law can be served ; and such agent or attorney ehall file with the county clerk of the connty where he resides, a certified...
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Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan

Michigan - 1855 - 628 pages its issuing any policy of insurance, or transacting any insurance business, appoint an agent or attorney in this State, on whom process of law can be served; and such agent or attorney shall file with the county clerk of copy of . . * chartered the county where...
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The Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan: Published by Authority, Partie 2

Michigan, Thomas McIntyre Cooley - 1857 - 998 pages ite issuing any policy of insurance, or transacting any in.-urance business, appoint an agent or attorney in this State, on whom process of law can be served ; and such agent or attorney shall file with the County Clerk of the county where vipy nt /•h»rt»r]ie...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of ..., Volume 26

New York (State). Court of Appeals, Erasmus Peshine Smith, George Franklin Comstock, Henry Rogers Selden, Francis Kernan, Joel Tiffany, Samuel Hand - 1867 - 664 pages having drawn their interest and dividends from time to time for such stock. Such company is to appoint an attorney in this State, on whom process of law can be served, and the attorney is to file with the comptroller a certified copy of the charter of such company, and...
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Statutes at Large of the State of New York: Comprising the Revised ..., Volume 4

New York (State) - 1863 - 826 pages
..., i ii- j- •» attorney. such company desiring to transact any such business, as aforesaid, by an agent or agents in this state, shall first appoint...this state on whom process .of law can be served, and file in the office of the Superintendent of the Insurance Department a certified copy of the vote...
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General Statute Laws of the State of New York Relating to Fire, Marine, Life ...

New York (State) - 1865 - 174 pages
...provisions of this act ; and any such company desiring to transact any such business, as aforesaid, by an agent or agents in this State, shall first this State on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the Superintendent of the Insurance Department a certified copy of the vote...
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The Constitution of South Carolina: Adopted April 16, 1868, and the Acts and ...

South Carolina - 1868 - 942 pages
...collect and receive the interest on such bonds or stocks so deposited, Attorne to and have appointed an Attorney in this State on whom process of law can be appointed. be served; and said Attorney shall have filed with the Comptroller-General a certified copy...
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