| Michigan. Legislature - 1854 - 190 pages
...I, 1853. ) To His Excellency, ANDREW PARSONS, atting Governor of the State of Michigan: SIR : — In accordance with the requirements of law, I have the honor to submit the following statements, showing the condition of the several funds, for the fiscal year ending Nov. 30th,... | |
| Michigan - 1855 - 770 pages
...Dec. 1, 1853. ) To His Excellency, ANDREW PARSONS, acting Governor of the State of Mkhigan: SIR — In accordance with the requirements of law, I have the honor to submit the following statements, showing the condition of the several funds, for the fiscal year ending Nov. 30th,... | |
| Michigan - 1855 - 628 pages
...I, 1853. J To Hi* Excellency, AEDR*W PARSONS, acting Gdbernor of the State of Michigan: SIR — In accordance with the requirements of law, I have the honor to submit the following statements, showing the condition of the several funds, for the fiscal year ending Nov. 30th,... | |
| Maine. Land Agent - 1861 - 102 pages
...to Uttauer Center APR 8 1941 REPORT LAND OFFICE, December 1, 1863. To the Governor and Council : In accordance with the requirements of law, I have the honor to submit this, my Annual Keport, of the operations of the Land Department, for the year ending November 30,... | |
| Michigan. Legislature - 1866 - 822 pages
...15, 1866. J To the Honorable the Legitlature of the State of Michigan : GKXTLEMEN — In compliance with the requirements of law, I have the honor to submit the following BEPOBT: The general sentiment which pervades the entire State, respecting our educational... | |
| Wisconsin. Department of Public Instruction - 1868 - 462 pages
...BOARD Of REGENTS OF NORMAL SCHOOLS. HON. AJ CRAIG, Superintendent of Public Instruction : SIR : In accordance with the requirements of law, I have the honor to submit the following report of the doings of the Board of Regents, and the condition of the Normal Schools, for... | |
| Wisconsin. Department of Public Instruction - 1868 - 460 pages
...THE BOARD REGENTS OF NORMAL SCHOOLS. HON. AJ CKAIQ, Superintendent of Public Instruction : SIB : In accordance with the requirements of law, I have the honor to submit the following report of the doings of the Board of Regents, and the condition of the Normal Schools, for... | |
| Minnesota - 1868 - 554 pages
...Dec. 1st. 1867. 2o the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives; GENTLEMEN : — In compliance with the requirements of law, I have the honor to submit the following report of the transactions of this office for the fiscal year ending Novem- porl her 30th,... | |
| 1869 - 436 pages
...BOARD OP REGENTS OP NORMAL SCHOOLS. Hon. AJ CRAIG, Superintendent of Public Instruction : SIR — In accordance with the requirements of law, I have the honor to submit the following Report of the doings of the Board of Regents, and the condition of the Normal Schools for... | |
| Montana. Legislative Assembly. Council - 1869 - 930 pages
...HONORABLE COUNCIL AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MONTANA TERRITORY : — Gentlemen : — In compliance with the requirements of law. I have the honor to submit the following report of the transactions of this office, for the fiscal year ending December 1st, 1869:... | |
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