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" To conclude his character, where women are not concerned, he is an honest worthy man. I cannot tell whether I am to account him whom I am next to speak of as one of our company, for he visits us but seldom ; but when he does, it adds to every man else... "
Addison's humorous essays, selected from the 'Spectator'. - Page 21
de Joseph Addison - 1863
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The Spectator, Volume 1

1778 - 378 pages a clergyman, a very philolbp!i!c man, of general learning, great fanctity of life, and the moft exact good breeding. He has the misfortune to be of a very weak confthution, and confequently cannot accept of fuch cares and bufinefs as preferments in his function...
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Harrison's British Classicks, Volume 4

1786 - 694 pages
...He is a clergyman, a very philofophic man, of general learning, great Sanctity of life, and the moll exact good breeding. He has the misfortune to be of a very weak conltitution, and consequently cannot accept of filch cares and buSineSs» as preferments in his func.tion...
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The Spectator. ...

1789 - 506 pages
...He is a clergyman, a very philofophic man, of general learning, great fanctity of life, and the moft exact -good breeding. He has the misfortune to be of a very weak conftitution, and confequently cannot accept of fuch cares and bufinefs as preferments in his function...
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Select British Classics, Volume 11

1803 - 436 pages
...where women are not concerned, he is an honest worthy man. I cannot tell whether I am to account him, whom I am next to speak of, as one of our company;...most exact good breeding. He has the misfortune to be ofa very weak constitution, and consequently cannot accept of such cares andbusinessas preferment;...
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The Spectator: In Eight Volumes. : Vol. I[-VIII]., Volume 1

1803 - 422 pages
...where women are not concerned, he is an honest worthy man. I cannot tell whether I am to account him, whom I am next to speak of, as one of our company;...sanctity of life, and the most exact good breeding. He lias the misfortune to be of a very weak constitution, and consequently cannot accept of such cares...
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The Spectator

Joseph Addison, Richard Hurd - 1811 - 504 pages
...where women are not concerned, he is an honest worthy man. I cannot tell whether I am to account him whom I am next to speak of, as one of our company...learning, great sanctity of life, and the most exact breeding. He has the misfortune to be of a very weak constitution, and consequently cannot accept of...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Volume 3

Joseph Addison - 1811 - 508 pages
...where women are not concerned, he is an honest worthy man. I cannot tell whether I am to account him whom I am next to speak of, as one of our company...learning, great sanctity of life, and the most exact breeding. He has the misfortune to be of a very weak constitution, and consequently cannot accept of...
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The Spectator [by J. Addison and others]; with notes, and a general index

Spectator The - 1811 - 802 pages
...whom I an» next to speak of, as one of our company ; for be visits us but seldom, but when he dor«, it adds to every man else a new enjoyment of himself....most exact good breeding. He has the misfortune to ho of a very weak constitution, nnd rnnx-quently cannot arrept of such cares and husino* as preferment*...
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The British Essayists: Spectator

1823 - 406 pages
...where women are not concerned, he is an honest worthy man. I cannot tell whether I am to account him whom I am next to speak of as one of our company ;...learning, great sanctity of life, and the most exact breeding. He has the misfortune to be of a very weak constitution, and, consequently, cannot accept...
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The Spectator: With Sketches of the Lives of the Authors, an Index ..., Volume 1

1824 - 310 pages
...where women are not concerned, he is an honest worthy man. I can not tell whether I am to account him whom I am next to speak of as one of our company; but seldom; but when he does, it adds to every one else a new enjoyment of himself. He is a clergyman, a very philosophic man, of general learning,...
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