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" ... the gallant WILL HONEYCOMB, a gentleman who according to his years should be in the decline of his life, but having ever been very careful of his person, and always had a very easy fortune, time has made but very little impression, either by wrinkles... "
Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der Schönen Wissenschaften - Page 46
de Johann Joachim Eschenaburg - 1795
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The Spectator. Volume the First. [-eighth.]., Volume 1

1744 - 348 pages
...the gallant WILL HONEYCOMB, a Gentleman who according to his Years fhould be in the Decline of liis Life, but having ever been very careful of his Perfon,...always had a very eafy Fortune, Time has made but a very little Impreffion, either by Wrinkles on his Forehead, or Traces in his Brain. His Perfon is...
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The Spectator, Volume 1

1778 - 378 pages
...the age, we have among us the gallant WILL HONEYCOMB, a gentleman, who according to his years mould be in the decline of his life, but having ever been...either by wrinkles on his forehead, or traces in his brain. His perfon is '.veil turned, of a good height. He is very ready at that fort of difcourfe with...
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The Spectator. ...

1789 - 506 pages
...the age, we have among us the gallant WILL HONEYCOMB*, a gentleman who according to his years mould be in the decline of his life, but having ever been...careful of his perfon, and always had a very eafy for* It has been (aid that a Colonel Cleland was fuppofed to have been the real perfon alluded to under...
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Select British Classics, Volume 11

1803 - 436 pages
...the age, we have among us the gallant Will Honeycomb; a Gentleman who according to his years should be in the decline of his life; but having ever been very careful of his person, and always had a veiy easy fortune, time has made but a very little impression, either by wrinkles...
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Addisoniana ...

Sir Richard Phillips - 1803 - 578 pages
...the age, we have among us the gallant Will Honeycomb, a gentleman who, according to his years, should be in the decline of his life; but, having ever been very careful of his person, and always had a very easy fortune, time has made but very little impression, either by .wrinkles...
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The British Essayists, Volume 6

Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - 416 pages
...age, we have amongst us the gallant Will Honeycomb*, a gentleman who, according to his years should be in the decline of his life, but having ever been very careful of his person, and always had a very easy fortune, time has made but very little impression, either by wrinkles...
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The Spectator

Joseph Addison, Richard Hurd - 1811 - 504 pages
...age, we have among us the gallant Will. Honeycomb, a gentleman who, according to his years, should be in the decline of his life, but having ever been very careful of his person, and always had a very easy fortune, time has made but very little impression, either by wrinkles...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Volume 3

Joseph Addison - 1811 - 508 pages
...age, we have among us the gallant Will. Honeycomb, a gentleman who, according to his years, should be in the decline of his life, but having ever been very careful of his person, and always had a very easy fortune, time has made but very little impression, either by wrinkles...
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The Spectator [by J. Addison and others]: with sketches of the lives of the ...

Spectator The - 1816 - 348 pages
...age, we have among us the gallant Will Honeycomb,* a gentleman who, according to his years, should he in the decline of his life ; but having ever been very careful of his person, and always had a very easy fortune, time has made but very little impression, either by wrinkles...
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The British essayists; to which are prefixed prefaces by J. Ferguson, Volume 37

British essayists - 1819 - 370 pages
...age, we have amongst us the gallant Will Honeycomb,* a gentleman who, according to his years, should be in the decline of his life, but having ever been very careful of his person, and always had a very easy fortune, time has made but very little impression, either by wrinkles...
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