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" ... actions, and writings of the ancients, makes him a very delicate observer of what occurs to him in the present world. He is an excellent critic, and the time of the play is his hour of business; exactly at five he passes through... "
Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der Schönen Wissenschaften - Page 44
de Johann Joachim Eschenaburg - 1795
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The Spectator. Volume the First. [-eighth.]., Volume 1

1744 - 348 pages
...Play is his Hour of Bufinefs; exaftly at five he paffes thro' New-Inn, crofles thro' Rnffcl-Cgurt, and takes a turn at Will's till the Play begins; he...rubbed and his Periwig powdered at the Barber's as yon go into the Rife, It is for the good of the Audience when he is at a Play, for the A&ors Lave an...
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The Spectator, Volume 1

1778 - 378 pages
...his hour of bufinefs ; exactlv at five he paries through Neiv-Inn, crofles th rough Raj] el- Court, and takes a turn at Will's till the play begins ; he has his fhoes rubbed and his periwig powdered at the barber's as you go into the Rofe. It is for the good of...
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The Spectator. ...

1789 - 506 pages his hour of bufinefs ; exactly at five he pafTes through New- Inn, crofles through Ruflel-Court, and takes a turn at Will's till the play begins ; he has his fhoes rubbed and his periwig powdered at the barber's as you go into the Rofe *. It is for the •...
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Select British Classics, Volume 11

1803 - 436 pages i* his hour of business; exactly at five he passes through New-Inn, crosses through Russel-Court, and takes a turn at Will's till the play begins; he has his shoes rubbed and his perriwig powdered at the barber's as you go into the Rose. It is for the good of the audience 'when...
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The Spectator: In Eight Volumes. : Vol. I[-VIII]., Volume 1

1803 - 422 pages is his hour of business; exactly at five he passes through New-Inn, crosses through Russel-Court, and takes a turn at Will's till the play begins; he has his shoes rubbed and his perriwig powdered at the barber's as you go into the Rose. It is for the good of the audience when...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Volume 3

Joseph Addison - 1811 - 508 pages is his hour of business; exactly at five he passes through New-Inn, crosses through Russel-Court, and takes a turn at Will's till the play begins : he has his shoes rubbed and his perriwig powdered at the barber's as you go into the Rose. It is for the good of the audience when...
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The Spectator

Joseph Addison, Richard Hurd - 1811 - 504 pages his hour of business ; exactly at five he passes through New-Inn, crosses through Russel-Court, and takes a turn at Will's till the play begins : he has his shoes rubbed and his perriwig powdered at the barber's as you go into the Rose. It is for the good of the audience when...
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The Spectator [by J. Addison and others]: with sketches of the lives of the ...

Spectator The - 1816 - 348 pages
...exactly at five he passes through New-Inn, crosses through Russel-court, and takes a turn at Will's until the play begins; he has his shoes rubbed and his periwig powdered at the barber's as you go into the Rose.* It is for the good of the audience when he is at a play, for the actors have an ambition to...
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The British essayists; to which are prefixed prefaces by J. Ferguson, Volume 37

British essayists - 1819 - 370 pages is his hour of business ; exactly at five he passes through New-Inn, crosses through Russelcourt, and takes a turn at Will's till the play begins ; he has his shoes rubbed and his perriwig powdered at the barber's as you go into the Rose. It is for the good of the audience when...
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The Beauties of the Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian,, Volume 1

G. Hamonière - 1819 - 390 pages is hi* hour of business; exactly at five he passes through New-Inn, crosses through Russel-court, and takes a turn at Will's till the play begins; he has his shoes rubbed and his perriwig powdered at the barber's as you go into the Rose. It if for the tôte et Longin lui sont plus...
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