Wisconsin Session LawsDemocrat Printing Company, state printer, 1871 |
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2d Monday act shall take ACT to amend ACT to provide amend chapter amend section amended by adding amount appoint Approved February Approved March 24 assembly district assessment board of supervisors Burnett county cents certify chapter one hundred circuit court city or village commissioner constitute an assembly convict copy county judge Dodge county drain or water duty election enact as follows entitled an act February 18 filed Fond du Lac force garnishee held hereby amended hereby authorized hereby repealed incorporated city insane issued judgment judicial circuit jury justice land manner March 31 ment Milwaukee offense paid passage and publication payment pending petit jury phonographic Polk county prison Published April Published March railroad company read as follows represented in senate revised statutes secretary senate and assembly senate district sheriff special term take effect therein thereof tion town clerk treasury Tuesday vote water course Wisconsin words
Fréquemment cités
Page 209 - All persons shall, before conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, except for capital offenses when the proof is evident or the presumption great...
Page 46 - Commissioners or order touching the business, property, moneys and credits and the value thereof of said railroad company, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction shall be confined in the jail of the county not exceeding thirty days...
Page 172 - ... it was calculated to, or actually did, defeat, impair, impede, or prejudice the rights or remedies of a party to an action or special proceeding, brought in the court, or before the judge or referee ; the court, judge, or referee must make a final order accordingly, and directing that he be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both, as the nature of the case requires. A warrant of commitment must issue accordingly.
Page 209 - That no person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law...
Page 174 - ... by giving personal notice to each person, or by leaving a written notice at his place of residence, with some person of proper age. He shall return such list to the court at the opening thereof, specifying those who were summoned, and the manner in which each person was notified.
Page 203 - Service," is hereby amended by adding to the end of said section the following: "The provisions of this section shall not apply to vessels plying between foreign ports on or near the frontiers of the United States and ports...
Page 223 - To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ¡States in Congress assembled: The memorial of the legislature of the State of Wisconsin...
Page 93 - The party giving the notice shall furnish the clerk, at least eight days before the court, with a note of the issue containing the title of the action, the names of the attorneys, and the time when the last pleading was served, and the clerk shall thereupon enter the cause upon the calendar, according to the date of the issue.
Page 169 - ... the defendant shall not be discharged, if there appear to be good cause to detain him in custody; but the Court must recognize him to answer to the offense and, if necessary, recognize the witnesses to appear and testify.
Page 18 - ... shall be sued for and recovered in the name of the people...