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" ... firmness the interests of the denomination. 5. That the members of this Association feel unabated anxiety for the speedy abolition of Slavery in the United States of America, and again affectionately and strongly urge upon their brethren in that country... "
Slavery in America - Page 320
publié par - 1837
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The baptist Magazine

1837 - 628 pages
...strongly urge upon their brethren in that country the duty of exerting all their influence to remove so great an evil ; at the same time expressing a fervent...which are "mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds."' 6. That this Association expresses its decided opinion, that, as the Regium Donum...
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The Baptist Magazine, Volume 29

1837 - 624 pages
...strongly urge upon their brethren in that country the duty of exerting all their influence to remove so great an evil ; at the same time expressing a fervent hope, that on no occasion, and by no partv, carnal passions may be substituted for those spiritual weapons which are "mighty through God...
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Family prayers for two weeks

William Knight - 1860 - 128 pages
...special blessing to christian ministers at home, and to christian missionaries abroad. Arm them with those spiritual weapons which are mighty, through God, to the pulling down of strong holds : may thy church nourish under their ministrations, and may the pleasure of the Lord...
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