CONSTITUTION OF STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. Preamble. 10. The citizens have the right to assemble together in a peaceable manner for the common good. 11. All laws of a general nature shall have a uniform operation. 12. The military shall be subordinate to the civil power. 13. Right to a speedy and public trial. No person shall be put in jeopardy twice for the same offense. 14. Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation. 15. In regard to imprisonment for debt. 16. No law impairing the obligations of contracts shall be passed. Section 17. Slavery and involuntary servitude illegal, except as punishment for crime. 18. Unreasonable searches and seizures not tolerated. 19. Treason against the State defined. 20. Special privileges shall not be granted to a certain class of citizens which is not granted to all. 21. Provisions of this Constitution are mandatory and prohibitory. 22. Right and justice to be administered without sale or delay. 23. Malicious interfering with those in employment and those seeking it. 24. To guard against transgressions of the high powers which we have delegated, we declare that everything in this article is excepted out of the general powers of government, and shall forever remain inviolate. 35. Beginning with 1895, and every tenth year after, an enumeration is to be made of the inhabitants of the State. 36. The House of Representatives shall elect one of its members as speaker. 37. Those who may not hold two offices.-Exceptions. 38. Those not eligible to be members of the General Assembly. 39. No member of the Legislative Assembly shall be elected, nor appointed, to any office which was created during his term of office. 40. Solicitation of bribery, penalty of. 41. When the term of office of the Assembly shall begin. 42. To be privileged from arrest during the session, except for treason, felony and breach of the peace. 43. Members may not vote on any bill in which they have a personal interest without consent of the house. the 44. Governor to fill vacancies. 45. Compensation of members. 46. A majority of the members of each house shall be a quorum. 47. Each house shall be the judge of the qualifications of its own members. 48. The powers of each house. 49. Each house shall keep a journal. 50. The sessions are to be open, except in special cases. 51. As to adjournment. 52. Senate and House shall be called the Legislative Assembly. 53. Time of meeting. 54. When shall vote viva voce. Section 55. Sessions to be biennial. 56. Duration of sessions. 57. Origin of bills may be in either house, and may be amended by either. 58. No law shall be passed except by a bill adopted by both houses. 59. Enacting clause of every law shall be: Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota. 60. When a bill for the appropriation of money may be introduced. 61. No bill to contain more than one subject. 62. The general appropriation bill to contain what. 63. Every bill shall be read three times. 64. In regard to the revision of a bill. 65. For a bill to become a law. 66. In regard to the signing of bills. 67. When legislative acts are to take effect. 68. The Legislative Assembly shall pass all laws necessary to carry into effect all the provisions of this Constitution. 69. Local or special laws not to be passed in any of the thirtyfive cases enumerated. 70. In regard to general and special laws. ARTICLE III. 71. Executive power vested in Gov ernor. 72. Lieutenant-Governor to act as Governor, when. 73. Eligibility for office of Governor and Lieutenant-Governor. 74. Election of the same. 75. Governor commander-in-chief of military and naval forces.Has power to convene Legislature.-His duties. 76. His powers. 77. Lieutenant-Governor to be presi dent of Senate. 105. Enumeration of districts. 106. How judicial districts may be increased. 107. To be eligible for office of District Judge. 108. Clerk of the District Court. 109. Appeals from District to Supreme Court allowed under certain regulations. 110. County Court to be established. 111. Jurisdiction of County Court, and how it may be increased. 112. Justices of the Peace, number of, jurisdiction of. 113. Election of police magistrates. 114. Appeals. 115. The time of holding courts to be prescribed by law. 116. Judges of District Courts may hold court in other districts than their own. 117. No Judge of the Supreme or District Courts shall act as attorney or counsel-at-law. 118. Terms of courts, how fixed. 119. Judges of Supreme or District Courts may not be elected nor appointed to any other than a judicial office. 120. Tribunals of conciliation. 98. Governor to fill vacancies. for being an may further ex 100. In case a Supreme Court Judge being interested in a cause, a District Court Judge shall take his place. 101. In regard to a reversed or con firmed decree. tend suffrage. 123. Electors to be privileged from arrest on day of election. 124. General elections to be biennial. 125. Service under United States does not cause loss of residence. Section 126. No soldier, seaman or marine of the United States shall be deemed a resident of this State in consequence of being stationed therein. 127. Those who are not qualified to vote. 128. All women who are eligible may vote on all school matters. 129. All elections by the people shall be by secret ballot. ARTICLE VI. Municipal Corporations. 130. The Legislative Assembly shall provide by general law for the organization of municipal corporations. ARTICLE VII. Corporations Other Than Municipal. 131. Charters of incorporation not to be granted, changed or amended, except in certain 132. In cases. and regard to charters grants existing before the adoption of this Constitution. 133. The Legislative Assembly shall not remit the forfeiture of a charter. 134. Rights of eminent domain shall never be abridged. 135. Rights of shareholders in voting for directors. 136. In regard to foreign corporations. 137. No corporation shall engage in any business other than that authorized in its charter. 138. For what stock or bonds may be issued by a corporation. 139. In regard to street railroads, telegraph and telephone lines. 140. Regulating railroad corporations. 141. Parallel or competing railroads may not consolidate. ARTICLE XI. Revenue and Taxation. 174. Revenue for meeting the expenses of the State to be raised each year. 175. Taxation. 176. What property is exempt from taxation. 177. Improvements on land to be assessed in accordance with section 179, but plowing shall not be considered an improvement. 178. The power of taxation shall never be suspended. 179. How property shall be assessed. 180. Who must pay a poll tax. 181. Laws to be passed to carry out the provisions of this article. |