71 Love-Love Letter of James to Betty 72 Account of the Everlasting Club 73 Passion for Fame and Praise-Charac- 74 Continuation of the Critique on Chevy- 75 Idea of a fine Gentleman-Character 76 Memoirs of the private Life of Phara- 77 Absence of Mind-Bruyere's Charac- 78 Claim of Cambridge to the Origin of the Ugly Club-Petition of Who and 79 Letter from a Coquette-from B. D. 80 History of Phillis and Brunetta-the 81 Female Party Spirit discovered by 82 The Misery of being in Debt 84 Private Life of Pharamond-Story of 126 The Subject continued-Sir Roger 127 Letter on the Hoop-petticoat 128 Difference of Temper in the Sexes- 129 Fashions in Dress-How imitated in 180 Interview of the Spectator and Sir Ro- 131 Opinions entertained of the Spectator in the Country-Letter from Will Addison 133 On Death-Reflections on the Death Addison 134 Letter from a Splenetic cured-Letter 87 On Beauties-Letter from a Beauty Steele Hughes Proper Methods of employing Time Subject continued-Pursuit of Know- Letter on Demonstrations of Grief- Letter on a Female Equestrian 105 Will Honeycomb's Knowledge of the. World-Various Kinds of Pedants Addison 106 Spectator's Visit to Sir R. de Cover- ley's country Seat-the Knight's do- tion of Slovenliness Budgell Ceele 77 Remarks and Letters on French Budgell Steele $269 Visit from Sir Roger-his Opinions on Reflections on the Characters in the Letters from Tom Trippit, complaining Dissection of a Beau's Head 276 Letters on Delicacy in the Censure of 307 On the Education of Children 308 On the better regulating of Matches- Tradesman married to a Woman of Quality-On the Historians, &c. Steele 309 Criticism on Paradise Lost 310 Letters from various Lovers-on Tale- bearers-Petition from the Readers Steele Remarks on them-on Widows 312 On Sorrow-Power of bearing Calami- ties-Letter on the Prayers of Cler- 313 Comparative Advantages of public and 314 Letters from a Lover, and Answer- from John Trott on his Courtship- Steele Steele Budgell Steele Unknown Steele zen Steele Budgell Steele 281 Dissection of a Coquette's Heart Addison 283 On the Art of growing rich 085 Criticism on Paradise Lost 287 On the Civil Constitution of Great Bri- 318 Amours of Escalus, an old Beau 319 Letters from Dorinda, complaining of the Spectator's Partiality-From a 320 Court of Inquisition on Maids and Ba- 321 Criticism on Paradise Lost Addison 322 Letter from Octavia, complaining of the 323 Clarinda's Journal of a week Unknown 324 Account of the Mohock Club Letters from a Countryman to his Mistress Steele Addison 325 On Looking-glasses-Passage from Letter from an Author turned Dealer Motteur 326 Letter on Fortune-hunters-Hints to a 289 Reflections on Bills of Mortality-Sto- 290 Tragedy of the Distressed Mother- Budgell |