The General Laws of the State of California, from 1850 to 1864, Inclusive: Being a Compilation of All Acts of a General Nature Now in Force, with Full Reference to Repealed Acts ... to which are Prefixed the Declaration of Independence, Constitution ... and United States Naturalization Laws ...H.H. Bancroft, 1871 |
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General Laws Of The State Of California, From 1850 To 1864, Inclusive: Being ... California,Theodore Henry Hittell,Charles H Parker Aucun aperçu disponible - 2019 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Act concerning act entitled act shall take act to provide allowed amount appointed approved April approved March 30 assessment assessor auditor board of supervisors bonds California certificate city and county claim collected commissioners compensation copy corporation county clerk county judge county of Inyo county of San county seat county superintendent county treasurer deemed district attorney district court duty effect from passage eighteen hundred election entitled an act execution fees fifty cents filed folio Franchise fund granted hereby repealed hundred dollars indigent sick issued judgment Klamath county land levy March 28 notaries public notice oath owner paid party payment person poll tax probate court proceedings purchase purpose receive record residence road salary San Francisco sheriff Sierra county term thereof thereto thousand dollars tide lands tion township twenty-five cents warrant
Fréquemment cités
Page 363 - ... upon such terms as may be just, at any time within one year after notice thereof, relieve a party from a judgment, order, or other proceeding, taken against him through his mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect...
Page 63 - ... as aforesaid, and which shall not be necessary for the accommodation of such company in the convenient transaction of its business, shall be sold and disposed of within five years after such company shall have acquired title to the same, and it shall not be lawful for such company to hold such real estate for a longer period than that above mentioned...
Page 294 - An act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, and to grant preemption rights...
Page 78 - In addition to the powers enumerated in the first section of this title, and to those expressly given in its charter, or in the act under which it is, or shall be, incorporated, no corporation shall possess or exercise any corporate powers, except such as shall be necessary to the exercise of the powers so enumerated and given.
Page 385 - ... give notice thereof by causing notices to be posted in at least three public places in the county...
Page 297 - The principal duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors...
Page 371 - ... exceeds three thousand dollars, and there are more than two sureties thereon, they may state in their affidavits that they are severally worth amounts less than that expressed in the undertaking, if the whole amount be equivalent to that of two sufficient sureties.
Page 367 - All courthouses, jails, public offices, and buildings, lots, grounds, and personal property, the fixtures, furniture, books, papers and appurtenances belonging and pertaining to the courthouse, jail, and public offices belonging to any county of this state, and all cemeteries, public squares, parks, and...
Page 206 - ... for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning from the seat of government...
Page 165 - War, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than twelve months, or both.