Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, Volume 20 |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
act of Congress action admiralty affirmed agent agreement alleged Ambler amount appear applied Argument assignment attorney authority averred bank bankrupt bill bonds bottomry cause cent Chief Justice Circuit Court claim common law complainants Constitution contract corporation coupons court of equity creditors debt decided decision declared decree defendant delivered the opinion District Court dividends effect enacts equity evidence executed fact Federal question filed fire-pot Fox River fund held interest issued John Slidell judge judgment jurisdiction jury la Vega land legislature libel lien Lottawanna maritime lien ment navigable North Missouri Railroad owner paid parties patent payment person plaintiff in error port proceedings proceeds purpose Railroad Company record River rule Statement statute stove suit Supreme Court Territory testimony Texas thereof tion United valid vessel Wallace Whipple White and Chiles Williams Wisconsin witness writ of error