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" It is a general rule in equity, that when a man buys land in the name of another, and pays the consideration money, the land will generally be held by the grantee in trust for the person who so paid the purchase money. "
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania - Page 170
de Pennsylvania. Supreme Court, Frederick Watts - 1841
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Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Chancery of the State of ..., Volume 8

New Jersey. Court of Chancery - 1854 - 958 pages
...appellants, that this is a case ot resulting trust, it being the well established doctrine in equity, that if a man buys land, in the name of another, and pays the consideration money, the land will generally be held by tho grantees in trust for the person who pays...
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Reports of Cases at Law and in Equity, Argued and Adjudged in the ..., Volume 9

Alabama. Supreme Court, Benjamin Faneuil Porter - 1840 - 816 pages
...payment. This conclusion results from certain analagous rules, which apply to Implied trusts— thus, if a man buys land in the name of another, and pays the consideration money, the land will generally be held by the grantee, in trust for the person who paid...
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Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland ..., Volume 2

Maryland. Court of Chancery - 1852 - 634 pages
...TRUSTEES IN INSOLVENCY. Sec INSOLVENT DEBTOR, 1, 5, 6, 7. TRUSTS. 1. It is well established, that if a man buys land in the name of another, and pays the consideration money, the land will be held by the grantee in trust, for the person who advances the...
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Questions and Answers on Law: Alphabetically Arranged. With ..., Volume 2

Asa Kinne - 1852 - 736 pages
...Tregonwell v. Sydenham, 3 ZWs Rep., 194. CAirty v. Parker, 2 Fes. Jwn., 271. Upon similar grounds, where a man buys land in the name of another, and pays the consideration money, the land will generally be held by the grantee in trust for the person who so...
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Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence: Founded on Story

Sir Thomas Wardlaw Taylor - 1875 - 640 pages
...arise, for the benefit of the grantor or devisor and his heirs(a). 1018. Upon similar grounds, where a man buys land in the name of another, and pays the consideration money, the Land will generally be held by the grantee in trust for the person who so...
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Reports of the Supreme court of Canada, Volume 2

Canada law reports - 1879 - 782 pages
...purchasing and paying for laud, and who takes the conveyance to another. There is no doubt that " where a man buys land in the name of another, and pays the consideration money, the laud will be generally held by the grantee in trust for the person who pays...
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Institutes of American Law, Volume 2

John Bouvier - 1882 - 812 pages
...whole property, there arises a resulting trust for the grantor, or devisor, or his heirs.39 So where a man buys land in the name of another and pays the consideration, the grantee will in general be considered a trustee for the party paying the money,40...
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The American Decisions: Containing All the Cases of General Value ..., Volume 36

1886 - 848 pages
...advanced by his father in his life-time to the full amount of bisshare of bis father's estate. The first of April, 1769, John Ormsby, sen. , entered buys land in the name of another, and pays the consideration money, the land will generally be held by the grantee in trust for the person who so...
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Atlantic Reporter, Volume 82

1912 - 1190 pages
...the second class or resulting trusts above referred to by Professor Гошегоу, he says: "Where a man buys land In the name of another and pays the consideration money, the land will be generally held by the grantee in trust for the person who pays...
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Reports of Decisions Rendered by the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian ..., Volume 7

Hawaii. Supreme Court - 1890 - 844 pages
...between them for collateral purposes." Ante, page 177. In 2 Story, Sec., 1202, the author says, " Where a man buys land in the name of another and pays the consideration money, the land will generally be held by the grantee in trust for the person who so...
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