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Livres Livres
" A court of record is that,where the acts and judicial proceedings are enrolled in paper or parchment for a perpetual memorial and testimony: which rolls are called the records of the court, and are of such high and super-eminent authority, that their... "
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania - Page 24
de Pennsylvania. Supreme Court, Frederick Watts - 1841
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Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books, Volume 3

William Blackstone - 1791 - 506 pages
...acts and judicial proceedings are enrolled in parchment for a perpetual memo- ' rial and teftimony : which rolls are called the records of the court, and are of fuch high and fupereminent authority, that their truth is not to be called in queftion. For it is a...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England,: In Four Books, Volume 3

William Blackstone - 1794 - 588 pages
...the a£ts and judicial proceedings are enrolled in parchment for a perpetual memorial and teftimony : which rolls are called the records of the court, and are of fuch high and fupereminent authority, that their truth is not to be called in queftion. For it is a...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England,: In Four Books, Volume 3

William Blackstone - 1800 - 564 pages
...the ads and judicial proceedings are enrolled in parchment for a perpetual memoripl and teftimony : which rolls are called the records of the court, and are of fuch high and fupereminent authority, that their truth is not to be called in queftion. For it is a...
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Pantologia. A new (cabinet) cyclopædia, by J.M. Good, O. Gregory ..., Volume 3

John Mason Good - 1819 - 700 pages
...parchment for a perpetual memorial and testimony: which rolls are called the records of the courts, and aie of such high and supereminent authority, that their truth is not to be called in question. Tor it is a settled rule and maxim, that nothing shall be averred against a record, nor shall any plea,...
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The British Constitution, Or an Epitome of Blackstone's Commentaries on the ...

Sir William BLACKSTONE, Vincent WANOSTROCHT - 1823 - 872 pages
...the acts and judicial proceedings are enrolled in parchment for a perpetual memorial and testimony : which rolls are called the records of the court, and...that their truth is not to be called in question. But, if there appear any mistake of the clerk in making up such record, the court will direct him to...
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The Book of the Constitution of Great Britain

Thomas Stephen - 1835 - 806 pages
...acts, and judicial proceedings are enrolled in parchment, for a perpetual memorial and testimony. These rolls are called the records of the court, and are...that their truth is not to be called in question. But if there appear any mistake of the clerk in making up such record, the court will direct him to...
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The Book of the Constitution of Great Britain

Thomas Stephen - 1835 - 810 pages
...acts, and judicial proceedings are enrolled in parchment, for a perpetual memorial and testimony. These rolls are called the records of the court, and are...supereminent authority that their truth is not to be called io question. But if there appear any mistake of the clerk in making up such record, the court will...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the ..., Volume 2

Arkansas. Supreme Court - 1841 - 662 pages
...a perpetua memorial and testimony, which rolls are called the records of the Smith against Dudley. court, and are of such high and supereminent authority, that their truth is not to be questioned. For it is a settled rule and maxim of the common law, that nothing shall be averred against...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England: In the Order, and Compiled from the ...

William Blackstone, John Bethune Bayly - 1840 - 764 pages
...the acts and judicial proceedings are enrolled in parchment for a perpetual memorial and testimony, which rolls are called the records of the court, and are of such high authority that their truth is not to be called in question ; nothing shall be averred against a record,...
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The English Constitution

Eduard Fischel - 1853 - 620 pages
...record. A court of record is that where the acts and judicial proceedings are enrolled in parchment, which rolls are called the records of the court, and are of such high authority that their truth is not to be called in question. For it is a settled rule, that a party...
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