The National Quarterly Review, Volumes 33 à 34

Pudney & Russell, 1876

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Page 307 - Welcome, folded arms, and fixed eyes, A sigh that piercing mortifies, A look that's fastened to the ground, A tongue chained up, without a sound ! Fountain heads, and pathless groves, Places which pale passion...
Page 222 - Praise be to God the Lord of all creatures, the most merciful, the King of the day of judgment ! Thee do we worship and of Thee do we beg assistance. Direct us in the right way, in the way of those to whom Thou hast been gracious ; not of those against whom Thou art incensed, nor of those who go astray.
Page 365 - It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice.
Page 263 - Labour was the first price, the original purchase money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labour, that all the wealth of the world was originally purchased...
Page 308 - Fountain heads, and pathless groves, Places which pale passion loves ! Moonlight walks, when all the fowls Are warmly housed, save bats and owls! A midnight bell, a parting groan ! These are the sounds we feed upon ; Then stretch our bones in a still gloomy valley ; Nothing's so dainty sweet as lovely melancholy.
Page 1 - ... man became a living soul ? whence it may be inferred (unless we had rather take the heathen writers for our teachers respecting the nature of the soul) that man is a living being, intrinsically and properly one and individual, not compound or separable, not, according to the common opinion, made up and framed of two distinct and different natures, as of soul and body, — but that the whole man is soul, and the soul man, that is to say, a body, or substance individual, animated, sensitive, and...
Page 235 - However the public confidence may change, and the public affections fluctuate with respect to others, with respect to him they have, in war and in peace, in public and in private life, been as steady as his own firm mind and as constant as his own exalted virtues.
Page 330 - New births of love ; we are father, friends, acquaintance; We are, in one another, families ; I am your heir, and you are mine. This place Is our inheritance ; no hard oppressor Dare take this from us ; here with a little patience We shall live long, and loving ; no surfeits seek us; The hand of war hurts none here, nor the seas Swallow their youth.
Page 129 - So when a child, as playful children use, Has burnt to tinder a stale last year's news, The flame extinct, he views the roving fire — There goes my lady, and there goes the squire, There goes the parson, oh ! illustrious spark, And there, scarce less illustrious, goes the clerk ! REPORT OF AN ADJUDGED CASE NOT TO BE FOUND IN ANY OF THE BOOKS.
Page 350 - The happy shepherd swains had nought to do But feed their flocks on green declivities, Or skim perchance thy lake with light canoe, From morn till evening's sweeter pastime grew, With timbrel, when beneath the forests brown Thy lovely maidens would the dance renew ; And aye those sunny mountains half-way down Would echo flagelet from some romantic town.

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