: A JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SENATE OF THE FIRST GEN- FIVE. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1845. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment on the 26th day of July last. The President, the Hon. James A. Berthelot, took the Chair, and called the Senate to order. The roll was called, and the President and Mr. White answered to their names. There being no quorum, the Senate, on motion of Mr. White, adjourned until to-morrow morning. 10 o'clock. TUESDAY, November 18, 1845. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment, and the roll being call ed, the following members answered to their names, viz: Mr. President, Messrs. Bellamy, Bell, Broward, Carter, Haughton, Porter, Priest, and White-9. |