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folly I had already shown, and therefore declined his offer, though I was really scarce able to stand.

Under such conscious disadvantages, you may easily imagine, my dear Sir, how ill I acquitted myself. But, though I both expected and deserved to find him very much mortified and displeased at his ill fortune in the choice he had made, yet, to my very great relief, he appeared to be even contented, and very much assisted and encouraged me. These people in high life have too much presence of mind, I believe, to seem disconcerted, or out of humour, however they may feel for had I been the person of the most consequence in the room, I could not have met with more attention and respect.

When the dance was over, seeing me still very much flurried, he led me to a seat, saying that he would not suffer me to fatigue myself from politeness.

And then, if my capacity, or even if my spirits had been better, in how animated a conversation might I have been engaged! It was then I saw that the rank of Lord Orville was his least recommendation, his understanding and his manners being far more distinguished. His remarks upon the company in general were so apt, so just, so lively, I am almost surprised myself that they did not re-animate me; but indeed I was too well convinced of the ridiculous part I had myself played before so nice an observer, to be able to enjoy his pleasantry: so self-compassion gave me feeling for others. Yet I had not the courage to attempt either to defend them, or to rally in my turn, but listened to him in silent embarrassment.

When he found this, he changed the subject, and talked of public places, and public performers; but he soon discovered that I was totally ignorant of them.

He then, very ingeniously, turned the discourse to the amusements and occupations of the country.

It now struck me, that he was resolved to try whether or not I was capable of talking upon any sub

ject. This put so great a constraint upon my thoughts, that I was unable to go further than a monosyllable, and not even so far, when I could possibly avoid it.

We were sitting in this manner, he conversing with all gaiety, I looking down with all foolishness, when that fop who had first asked me to dance, with a most ridiculous solemnity, approached, and after a profound bow or two, said: "I humbly beg pardon, Madam,and of you too, my lord,-for breaking in upon such agreeable conversation-which must, doubtless, be much more delectable—than what I have the honour to offer-but

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I interrupted him,-I blush for my folly,-with laughing; yet I could not help it, for, added to the man's stately foppishness (and he actually took snuff between every three words), when I looked round at Lord Orville, I saw such extreme surprise in his face,— the cause of which appeared so absurd, that I could not for my life preserve my gravity.

I had not laughed before from the time I had left Miss Mirvan, and I had much better have cried then; Lord Orville actually stared at me; the beau, I knew not his name, looked quite enraged. "Refrain— Madam," (said he, with an important air,) "a few moments refrain !—I have but a sentence to trouble you with. May I know to what accident I must attribute not having the honour of your hand?"

"Accident, Sir!" repeated I, much astonished.

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Yes, accident, Madam-for surely,—I must take the liberty to observe-pardon me, Madam,-it ought to be no common one- that should tempt a lady-so young a one too,-to be guilty of ill manners."

A confused idea now for the first time entered my head, of something I had heard of the rules of an assembly; but I was never at one before,--I have only danced at school,-and so giddy and heedless I was, that I had not once considered the impropriety of refusing one partner, and afterwards accepting another.

I was thunder-struck at the recollection; but, while these thoughts were rushing into my head, Lord Orville, with some warmth, said: "This lady, Sir, is incapable of meriting such an accusation!

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The creature-for I am very angry with him—made a low bow, and with a grin the most malicious I ever saw," My Lord," said he, " far be it from me to accuse the lady, for having the discernment to distinguish and prefer the superior attractions of your Lordship." Again he bowed, and walked off.

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Was ever anything so provoking? I was ready to Idie with shame. What a coxcomb!" exclaimed Lord Orville; while I, without knowing what I did, rose hastily, and moving off, " I can't imagine," cried I, where Mrs. Mirvan has hid herself! "

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Give me leave to see," answered he. I bowed and sat down again, not daring to meet his eyes; for what must he think of me, between my blunder and the supposed preference ?

He returned in a moment, and told me that Mrs. Mirvan was at cards, but would be glad to see me, and I went immediately. There was but one chair vacant, so, to my great relief, Lord Orville presently left us. I then told Mrs. Mirvan my disasters, and she goodnaturedly blamed herself for not having better instructed me, but said she had taken it for granted that I must know such common customs. However, the man may, I think, be satisfied with his pretty speech, and carry his resentment no farther.

In a short time Lord Orville returned. I consented, with the best grace I could, to go down another dance, for I had had time to recollect myself, and therefore resolved to use some exertion, and, if possible, appear less a fool than I had hitherto done; for it occurred to me that, insignificant as I was, compared to a man of his rank and figure, yet, since he had been so unfortunate as to make choice of me for a partner, why, I should endeavour to make the best of it.

The dance, however, was short, and he spoke very little, so I had no opportunity of putting my resolution in practice. He was satisfied, I suppose, with his former successless efforts to draw me out; or, rather, I fancied, he had been inquiring who I was. This again disconcerted me, and the spirits I had determined to exert again failed me. Tired, ashamed, and mortified, I begged to sit down till we returned home, which I did soon after. Lord Orville did me the honour to hand me to the coach, talking all the way of the honour I had done him! O these fashionable people!

Well, my dear Sir, was it not a strange evening? I could not help being thus particular, because to me everything is so new. But it is now time to conclude. I am, with all love and duty, your



[From "The Mysteries of Udolpho" (1794), by
Ann Radcliffe.]

Emily St. Aubert, after the death of her father, falls into the power of Montoni, who has married her aunt and guardian, Madame Cheron. Montoni hurries the two ladies away to his castle of Udolpho in the Apennines, where they live in terror in the midst of constant fights and uproar. Suspecting his wife of an attempt to poison him, Montoni imprisons her. Barnardine, the porter of the castle, sends a message by Emily's maid, Annette, that he has something of importance to say to her. She consents to meet him on " the east rampart, in the dusk of the evening." It is the love of the " horrid" excited by some of the incidents in this book which Jane Austen gently ridicules in Northanger Abbey.

As the hour of appointment drew near her impatience increased. At length the sun set; she heard the passing steps of the sentinels going to their posts, and waited only for Annette to accompany her to the terrace, who soon after came and they descended together. When Emily expressed apprehensions of meeting Montoni, or some of his guests, "Oh ! there is no fear of that ma'mselle," said Annette," they are all set in to feasting yet, and that Barnardine knows." They reached the first terrace where the sentinels demanded who passed, and Emily having answered, walked on to the east rampart, at the entrance of which they were again stopped, and having again replied, were permitted to proceed. But Emily did not like to expose herself to the discretion of these

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