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" ... dollars, to be recovered by action of debt before any justice of the peace in the... "
Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Alabama - Page 79
de Alabama - 1829
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Acts of the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey

New Jersey - 1858 - 1328 pages
...act shall be fined the sum of twenty provieion« dollars and cost of suit for each and every offence, to be recovered by action of debt, before any justice of the peace of the county in which the offence may be committed, one half thereof to go to the complainant and the...
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Laws of the State of New York, Volume 2

New York (State) - 1807 - 562 pages
...for each refusal or neglect shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars ; all which fines shall be recovered by action of debt before any justice of the peace or court having cognizance of the same, to be prosecuted and recovered by and to the use of the said...
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Laws of the State of New Jersey

New Jersey - 1811 - 368 pages
...section of this act, penalty, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifteen dollars for every such offence to be recovered by action of debt, before any justice of the peace of said county, with costs of suit, to be applied one half thereof to the use of the poor of the township...
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A Compendium and Digest of the Laws of Massachusetts, Volume 4

Massachusetts, William Charles White - 1811 - 174 pages such, have no authority except as to highways on land. Austin v. Carter, 1 Mass. Rep. 231. ycyor, to be recovered by action of debt, before any justice of the peace for the same county. X. Liability of surveyors, where a town is indicted for defect of highways. In...
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Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed at the General Assembly

Tennessee - 1844 - 402 pages action on the case against said proprietors. to said proprietors, the sum of twenty five dollars, to be recovered by action of debt, before any Justice of the Peace in the State; Provided that the mail stage and tlie mail carrur on Horseback, shall, at all times pass...
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Laws of the State of New York

New York (State) - 1815 - 316 pages
...denial, delay, or neglect, shall not exceed the sum of twenty dollars, all which said tines shall and may be recovered by action of debt, before any justice of the peace, of the county of Clinton, or court having cogmzance of the same, to be prosecuted, recovered and received...
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Acts of the State of Ohio

Ohio - 1821 - 636 pages refuse or neglect to attend, or for any of the otTericcs above specified, the sum of one dollar, to be recovered by action of debt before any justice of the peace, of tin: proper township, at the suit of t!,e supervisor within whose district such delinquent may reside:...
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Public Laws of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

Rhode Island - 1822 - 592 pages
...shallop or raft, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, nor less than five dollars, to be recovered by action of debt before any justice of the peace in the county where the offence shall be committed, one third thereof to and for the use of the person...
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Maine - 1822 - 802 pages
...penalty, not exceeding twenty dollars, arising for any of ^r]t*^vl"u the offences aforesaid, shall be recovered by action of debt, before any Justice of the Peace within the same county, where said offence was committed ; one moiety thereof to the use of the person...
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Illinois - 1825 - 650 pages
...refuse to pay the toll aforesaid, such person shall forfeit and pay to the said company five dollars, to be recovered by action of debt, before any justice of the peace; and that, whenever the said eompany shall hare completed said road, in manner aforesaid, to Lawrenceville,...
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