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False wit, the region of it, N. 25.
Falstaff, (Sir John) a famous butt, N. 47.
Fame, generally coveted, N. 73.
Fashion, the force of it, N. 64.

Fear of death often mortal, N. 25.

Fine gentlemen, a character frequently misapplied by the fair

fex, N. 75.


Flutter, (Sir Fopling) a comedy; some remarks upon it,
Ν. 65.

Fools, great plenty of them the first day of April, N. 47.
Freeport, (Sir Andrew) a member of the Spectator's club,
Ν. 2.

French poets, wherein to be imitated by the English, N. 45.
Friendship, the great benefit of it, N. 68. The medicine of

life, ibid. The qualifications of a good friend, ibid,



fift, N. 7.


wherein true gallantry ought to con-

Gaper; the fign of the gaper frequent in Amsterdam, 47.
Ghosts warned out of the playhouse, N. 36. the appearance
of a ghost of great efficacy on an English theatre, N. 44.

Gospel goffips described, N. 46.

Gaths in poetry, who, N. 62.


TANDKERCHIEF, the great machine for moving pity
in a tragedy, N. 44.


Happiness, (true) an enemy to pomp and noife, Ν. 15.
Hard words ought not to be pronounced right by well-bred

ladies, N. 45.

Heroes in an English tragedy generally lovers, N. 40.
Hobbs, (Mr.) his observation upon laughter, N. 47.
Honeycomb, (Will) his character, N. 2. his discourse with
the Spectater in the playhouse, N. 4. his adventure with a
Pift, N. 41. Throws his watch into the 'Thames, N. 77.

Human nature, the fame in all reasonable creatures, 70.
Honour to be described only by negatives, N. 35. the genea-
logy of true honour, ibid. and of false, ibid,





TAMBICK verse the most proper for Greek tragedies,

James, how polished by Love, Ν. 11.

Idiots, in great request in most of the German courts, N. 47.
Idols, who of the fair-fex fo called, N. 73.
Impudence gets the better of modesty, N. 2. An impudence
committed by the eyes, N. 20. The definition of English,
Scotch, and Irish impudence, ibid.

Indian kings, some of their observations during their stay
here, N. 50.

Indifcretion, more hurtful than ill-nature, N. 23.
Injuries how to be measured, Ν. 23.
Inkle and Yarico, their story, N. 11.

Innocence, and not quality, an exemption from reproof, N. 34.
Jonson (Ben) an epitaph written by him on a lady, N. 33.
Italian writers, florid and wordy, N. 5.


KIMBOW (Tho.) ftates his case in a letter to the Spec-

tator, N. 24.

Kiffing-dances censured, N. 67.



ADY's library described, N. 37-
Lætitia and Daphne, their story, N. 33.
Lampoons written by people that cannot spell, N. 16. witty
lampoons inflict wounds that are incurable, N. 23. the
inhuman barbarity of the ordinary scribblers of lampoons,

Larvati, who so called among the ancients, N. 32.
Lath ('Squire) has a good estate which he would part withal
for a pair of legs to his mind, N. 32.
Laughter, (immoderate) a sign of pride, N. 47. the provo-
cations to it, ibid.

Lawyers divided into the peaceable and litigious, N. 21.
both forts described, ibid.

King Lear, a tragedy, fuffers in the alteration, N. 40.
Lee, the poet, well turned for tragedy, N. 39.

Learning ought not to claim any merit to itself, but upon
the application of it, N. 6.

Leonora, her character, N. 37. The description of her
country-feat, ibid.


Letters to the Spectator; complaining of the masquerade,
N. 8. from the opera lion, N. 14. from the under fexton of
Covent-Garden parish, ibid. from the undertaker of the
masquerade, ibid. from one who had been to see the Opera
of Rinaldo, and the Puppet-show, ibid. from Charles Lil-
lie, N. 16. from the president of the ugly club, N. 17. from
S. C. with a complaint against the starers, N. 20. from Tho.
Prone, who acted the wild boar that was killed by Mrs.
Tofts, N. 22. from William Screne and Ralph Simple, ibid.
from an actor, ibid. from King Latinus, ibid. from Tho.
Kimbow, N. 24. from Will Fashion to his would-be ac-
quaintance, ibid. from Mary Tuesday on the same subject,
ibid. from a Valetudinarian to the Spectator, N. 25. from
some persons to the Spectator's clergyman, N. 27. from
one who would be inspector of the fign-pofts, N. 28. from
the master of the show at Charing-Cross, ibid. from a
member of the amorous club at Oxford, N. 30. from a
member of the ugly club, N. 32. from a gentleman to fuch
ladies as are professed beauties, N. 33. to the Spectator
from T. D. containing an intended regulation of the Play-
house, N. 36. from the play-house thunderer, ibid. from
the Spectator to an affected very witty man, N. 38. from
a married man with a complaint that his wife painted, N.
41. from Abraham Froth, a member of the Hebdomadal
meeting in Oxford, N. 43. from a husband plagued with a
gospel-goffip, N. 46. from an ogling-master, ibid. from
the Spectator to the president and fellows of the ugly club,
N. 48. from Hecatissa to the Spectator, ibid. from an old
beau, ibid. from Epping, with fome account of a company
of strollers, ibid. from a lady complaining of a passage in
the Funeral, N. 51. from Hugh Goblin, president of the
Ugly Club, N. 52. from 2. R. concerning laughter, ib. the
Spectator's answer, ib. from R. B. to the Spectator, with
a proposal relating to the education of lovers, N. 53. from
Anna Bella, ibid. from a splonetick gentleman, ibid. from
a reformed Starer, complaining of a Peeper, ibid. from
King Latinus, ibid. from a gentleman at Cambridge, con-
taining an account of a new fect of philosophers called
Lowngers, N. 54. from Celimene, N. 66. from a father
complaining of the liberties taken in country-dances, ibid.
from James to Betty, N. 71. to the Spectator, from the
ugly club at Cambridge, N. 78. from a whimsical young
lady, N. 79. from B. D. defiring a catalogue of books for
the female library, ibid.



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Letter-dropper of antiquity, who, N. 59.
Library, a lady's library described, N. 37.
Life, the duration of it uncertain, N. 27.
Lindamira, the only woman allowed to paint, N. 41.
Lion in the Haymarket occafioned many conjectures in the

town, N. 13. very gentle to the Spectator, ibid.
London, an emporium for the whole earth, N. 69.
Love, the general concern of it, N. 30.
Love of the world, our hearts misled by it, N. 27.
Luxury, what, N. 55. attended often with avarice, ibid. a fa-
ble of those two vices, ibid.

Lowngers, a new fect of philosophers in Cambridge, 54.

AN a

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M sociable animal, N. 9. The loss of publick

and private virtues owing to men of parts, Ν. 6.
Masquerade, a complaint against it, N. 8. The design of
it, ibid.

Mazarine, (Cardinal) his behaviour to Quillet, who had re-
flected upon him in a poem, N. 23.

Merchants of great benefit to the publick, N. 69.
Mixt wit described, N. 62.

Mixt communion of men and fspirits in Paradife, as defcrib-

ed by Milton, Ν. 12.

Mode, on what it ought to be built, N. 6.
Modesty the chief ornament of the fair sex, N. 6.
Moliere made an old woman a judge of his plays, N. 70.
Monuments in Westminster Abbey examined by the Spectator,

Ν. 26.

Mourning, the method of it confidered, N. 64. Who the
greatest mourners, ibid.

Mufick banished by Plato out of his commonwealth, N. 18.
Of a relative nature, N. 29.


Eighbourhoods, of whom confifting, N. 49.
Newberry, (Mr.) his rebus, N. 59.

New-River, a project of bringing it into the playhouse, 5.
Nicolini, (Signior) his voyage on pasteboard, N. 5. His
combat with a lion, N. 13. Why thought to be a shant
one, ibid. An excellent actor, ibid.


OATES, (Dr.) a favourite with fome party ladies, 57.
Ogler, the complete ogler, N. 46.


Old maids generally superstitious, N. 7.
Old teftament in a periwig, N. 58.

Opera, as it is the present entertainment of the English stage,
confidered, N. 5. The progress it has made on our
theatre, N.18. Some account of the French opera, N.29.
Otway, commended and censured, N. 39.

Overdo, a justice at Epping, offended at the company of strol-
lers for playing the part of Clodpate, and making a mockery
of one of the Quorum, N. 48.

Oxford scholar, his great discovery in a coffee-house, N. 46.



AINTER and Tailor often contribute more than the
poet to the success of a tragedy, N. 42.
Parents, their taking a liking to a particular profession, often
occafions their fons to miscarry, N. 21.

Parties crept much into the conversation of the ladies,
N. 57. Party-zeal very bad for the face, ibid.
Particles, English, the honour done to them in the late
Operas, N. 18.

Paffions, the conquest of them a difficult task, N. 71.
Peace, fome ill consequences of it, N. 45.

Peepers described, N. 53.

Pharamond, memoirs of his private life, N. 76. His great
wifdom, ibid.

Philautia, a great votary, N. 79.

Philosophy, the use of it, N. 7. faid to be brought by So-
crates down from heaven, N. 10.

Physician and furgeon, their different employment, N. 16.
The physicians a formidable body of men, N. 21. com-
pared to the British army in Casar's time, ibid. Their
way of converting one diffemper into another, N. 25.
Pifts, what women so called, N. 41. No faith to be kept
with them, ibid.

Pinkethman to personate King Porus on an elephant, N. 31.
Players in Drury-Lane, their intended regulations, N. 36.
Poems in picture, N. 58.

Poet, (English) reproved, N. 39, N. 40. their artifices, N.44.
Poetefles, (English) wherein remarkable, N. 51.
Powell, (fenior) to act Alexander the Great on a dromedary,
N. 31. His artifice to raise a clap, N. 40.

Powell, (junior) his great skill in motions, N. 14. His per-
formance referred to the Opera of Rinaldo and Armida, ibid.
Praise, the love of it implanted in us, N. 38.



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