General Statute Laws of the State of New York Relating to Fire, Marine, Life and Casualty Insurance Companies: And Miscellaneous Insurance Laws

Weed, Parsons, 1865 - 318 pages

Expressions et termes fréquents

Fréquemment cités

Page 98 - It shall be lawful for any married woman, by herself, and in her name, or in the name of any third person, with his assent, as her trustee, to cause to be insured, for her sole use, the life of her husband...
Page 5 - Corporations may be formed under general laws ; but shall not be created by special act,, except for municipal purposes, and in cases where in the judgment of the Legislature, the objects of the corporation cannot be attained under general laws. All general laws and special acts passed pursuant to this section, may be altered from time to time, or repealed.
Page 57 - ... 1. Such as shall be requisite for its immediate manner.*1" accommodation in the transaction of its business ; or, 2. Such as shall have been mortgaged to it in good faith by way of security for loans previously contracted or for moneys due ; or, 3.
Page 29 - Suits at law may be maintained by any corporation formed under this act, against any of its members or stockholders, for any cause relating to the business of such corporation ; also suits at law may be prosecuted and maintained by any member or stockholder against such corporation, for losses which may have accrued, if payment is withheld more than two months, in all risks after such losses shall have become due.
Page 59 - ... of this State, annually, on the first day of January, or within one month thereafter, to prepare, under their own oath, and deposit in the office of the...
Page 103 - State upon which the sums specified in the preceding section are required to be paid, or as such agent procure such insurance to be effected, until he shall have executed and delivered to the...
Page 20 - ... for transacting the business of said company; and at the expiration of the term of insurance, the said note or such...
Page 35 - The comptroller is hereby authorized and empowered to address any inquiries to any insurance company or the secretary thereof, in relation to its doings or condition or any other matter connected with its transactions, and it shall be the duty of any company so addressed to promptly reply in writing to any such inquiries.
Page 5 - The term corporations, as used in this article, shall be construed to include all associations and joint-stock companies having any of the powers or privileges of corporations not possessed by individuals or partnerships. And all corporations shall have the right to sue, and shall be subject to be sued, in all courts in like cases as natural persons.
Page 57 - Such as shall have been purchased at sales upon judgments, decrees or mortgages obtained or made for such debts; and it shall not be lawful for any company incorporated as aforesaid to purchase, hold or convey real estate in any other case or for any other purpose...

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