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" I have made myself a speculative statesman, soldier, merchant, and artisan, without ever meddling with any practical part in life. I am very well versed in the theory of a husband, or a father, and can discern the errors in the eeconomy, business, and... "
The British essayists; to which are prefixed prefaces by J. Ferguson - Page 4
de British essayists - 1819
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The British Essayists, Volume 6

Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - 416 pages
...very well versed in the theory of a husband, or a father, and can discern the errors in the oeconomy, business, and diversion of others, better than those...standers-by discover blots, which are apt to escape those \vho are in the game. I never espoused any party with violence, and am resolved to observe an exact...
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The Spectator, Volume 1

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 412 pages, and diversion of others, better than those who arc engaged in them ; as stand ers-by diseover blots, which are apt to escape those who are in exact neutrality between the Whigs and Tories, tlnless 1 shall be forced to declare myself by the hostilities of either side. In short, 1 have acted...
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The Spectator [by J. Addison and others]; with notes, and a general index

Spectator The - 1811 - 802 pages
...very well versed in the theory of a husband or a father, and can discern the errors in the economy, business, and diversion of others, better than blots, which are .apt to escape those who are in toe game. I never espoused any party with violence, and am resolved to observe an exact neutrality...
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The Spectator [by J. Addison and others]: with sketches of the lives of the ...

Spectator The - 1816 - 348 pages
...very well versed in the theory of a husband or a father, and can discern the errors in the economy, "business, and diversion of others, better than those...violence, and am resolved to observe an exact neutrality * An allusion, no doubt, to Mr. John Greaves, a mathematician and antiquary, who, after visiting Egypt,...
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The beauties of The Spectator 2nd ed., revised and enlarged with The vision ...

Spectator The - 1816 - 372 pages
...very well versed in the theory of a husband or a father, and can discern the errors in the ceconomy, business, and diversion of others, better than those who are engaged in them; as slanders by discover blots which are apt to escape those who are in the game. 1 never espoused any...
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The Beauties of the Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian,, Volume 1

G. Hamonière - 1819 - 390 pages
...verj well versed in the theory of a husband, or a father, and can discern the errors in the economy, business, and diversion of others, better than those...who are engaged in them ; as standers-by discover b'ofs, which are apt to escape those who are in the game. I never espoused any party with violence,...
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The Spectator: With Notes, and a General Index. The Eight Volumes Comprised ...

1822 - 790 pages
...very well versed in the theory of a husband or a father, and can discern the errors in the economy, diff@Y % part with violence, and am resolved to observe an exact neutrality between the whigs and lories, unless...
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The British Essayists: Spectator

James Ferguson - 1823 - 450 pages
...very well versed in the theory of a husband, or a father, and can discern the errors in the oeconomy, business., and diversion of others, better than those...myself by the hostilities of either side. In short, I nave acted in all the parts of my life as a looker-on, which is the character I intend to preserve...
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The Spectator: With Sketches of the Lives of the Authors, an Index ..., Volume 1

1824 - 310 pages
...very well versed in the theory of a husband or a father, and can discern the errors in the economy, business, and diversion of others, better than those who are engaged in them; as standers by discover blots, which are apt to esca'pe those who are in the game. I never espoused any...
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The Spectator: With Notes and a General Index, Volumes 1 à 2

1836 - 930 pages
...very well versed in the theory of a husband, or a father, and can discern the errors in the economy, business, and diversion of others, better than those...Tories, unless I shall be forced to declare myself bv the hostilities of either side. In short, 1 have acted in all the parts of my life as a looker-on,...
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