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THE Publishers are authorised by M. de

Bertrand to declare, that the Portraits of the Royal Family of France, given in this Work, are all engraved from Original Pictures, received in prefents from their late Majefties ; and that they are, in his opinion, the moft faithful Likenees that have hitherto appeared.

The PORTRAITS are to be placed as follows: LOUIS XVI. to face the Title-page of, Vol. I. The QUEEN, to face the Title-page of Vol. II. LOUIS XVII. to face Page 42 of Vol. II. PRINCESS ELIZABETH, to face the Title-page of Vol. III.

MADAME ROYALE, to face Page 42 of Vol. III.

A 2

In the Prefs, and speedily will be published,

In One Volume Octavo,

PRIVATE MEMOIRS relating to fome of the most interesting Particulars of the French Revolution. By M. le MARQUIS DE Bouille.

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