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figures and devices as are or shall be made use of on this occasion; with full powers to rectify or expunge whatever I shall find irregular or defective. For want of such an officer, there is nothing like sound literature and good sense to be met with in those objects that are every where thrusting themselves out to the eye, and endeavouring to become visible. Our streets are filled with blue boars, black swans, and red lions; not to mention flying pigs, and hogs in armour, with many other creatures more extraordinary than any in the deserts of Africa. Strange! that one who has all the birds and beasts in nature to chuse out of, should live at the sign of an Ens Rationis!

'My first task therefore should be, like that of Hercules, to clear the city from monsters. In the second place I would forbid, that creatures of jarring and incongruous natures should be joined together in the same sign; such as the bell and the neatstongue, the dog and gridiron. The fox and goose may be supposed to have met; but what has the fox and the seven stars to do together? And when did the lamb and dolphin ever meet, except upon a sign-post? As for the cat and fiddle, there is a conceit in it; and therefore I do not intend that any thing I have here said should affect it. I must however observe to you upon this subject, that it is usual for a young tradesman, at his first setting up, to add to his sign that of the master whom he served; as the husband, after marriage, gives a place to his mistress's arms in his own coat. This I take to have given rise to many of those absurdities which are committed over our heads; and, as I am informed, first occasioned the three nuns and a hare, which we see so frequently joined together. I would therefore establish certain rules, for the determining how far one tradesman may give the sign of another, and in what cases he may be allowed to quarter it with his own.

'In the third place, I would enjoin every shop to make use



an old romance translated out of the French; which gives an account of a very beautiful woman who was found in a wilderness, and is called in the French La Belle Sauvage, and is every where translated by our countrymen the Bell Savage. This piece of philology will, I hope, convince you that I have made signposts my study, and consequently qualified myself for the employment which I solicit at your hands. But before I conclude my letter, I must communicate to you another remark which I have made upon the subject with which I am now entertaining you, namely, that I can give a shrewd guess at the humour of the inhabitant by the sign that hangs before his door. A surly choleric fellow, generally makes choice of a bear; as men of milder dispositions frequently live at the lamb. Seeing a punch-bowl painted upon a sign near Charing-cross, and very curiously garnished, with a couple of angels hovering over it, and squeezing a lemon into it, I had the curiosity to ask after the master of the house, and found upon inquiry, as I had guessed by the little agrémens upon his sign, that he was a Frenchman. I know, sir, it is not requisite for me to enlarge upon these hints to a gentleman of your great abilities; so, humbly recommending myself to your favour and patronage,

[blocks in formation]

No. 29.]


drinks a glass of ale, like any reasonable creature. He gives
great satisfaction to the quality; and if they will make a subscrip-
tion for him, I will send for a brother of his out of Holland that
is a very good tumbler; and also for another of the same family
whom I design for my merry-andrew, as being an excellent mimic,
and the greatest droll in the country where he now is. I hope to
have this entertainment in a readiness for the next winter; and
doubt not but it will please more than the opera or puppet-show.
I will not say that a monkey is a better man than some of the
opera heroes; but certainly he is a better representative of a man
than the most artificial composition of wood and wire. If you
will be pleased to give me a good word in your paper, you shall be
every night a spectator at my show for nothing.

'I am' &c.



-Sermo lingua concinnus utraque
Suavior: ut Chio nota si commista Falerni est.
HOR. I. Sat. x. 23.

Both tongues united sweeter sounds produce,
Like Chian mix d with the Falernian juice.

THERE is nothing that has more startled our English audience,
than the Italian recitativo at its first entrance upon the stage.
People were wonderfully surprised to hear generals singing the
word of command, and ladies delivering messages in music.
Our countrymen could not forbear laughing when they heard a
lover chanting out a billet-doux, and even the superscription of
letter set to a tune. The famous blunder in an old play of
'Enter a king and two fiddlers solus,' was now no longer an ab-
surdity; when it was impossible for a hero in a desert, or a prin-


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cess in her closet, to speak any thing unaccompanied with musical instruments.

But however this Italian method of acting in recitativo might appear1 at first hearing, I cannot but think it much more just than that which prevailed in our English opera before this innovation; the transition from an air to recitative music being more natural, than the passing from a song to plain and ordinary speaking, which was the common method in Purcell's operas.

The only fault I find in our present practice, is the making use of Italian recitativo with English words.

To go to the bottom of this matter, I must observe, that the tone or (as the French call it) the accent of every nation in their ordinary speech, is altogether different from that of every other people; as we may see even in the Welsh and Scotch, who border so near upon us. By the tone or accent, I do not mean the pronunciation of each particular word, but the sound of the whole sentence. Thus it is very common for an English gentleman, when he hears a French tragedy, to complain that the actors all of them speak in a tone; and therefore he very wisely prefers his own countrymen, not considering that a foreigner complains of the same tone in an English actor.

For this reason, the recitative music in every language, should be as different as the tone or accent of each language; for otherwise, what may properly express a passion in one language, will not do it in another. Every one who has been long in Italy, knows very well, that the cadences in the recitativo bear a remote affinity to the tone of their voices in ordinary conversation; or, to speak more properly, are only the accents of their language made more musical and tuneful.

Thus the notes of interrogation, or admiration, in the Italian 1 Might Might appear] appear] I should rather have said "might affect us at first hearing."-H.

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