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one which requires that the powers of the County Commissioners should be controlled by legislative action, it is believed that the estate is indebted on account of similar imperfect assessments for a number of years past. In suggesting this opinion, I desire to exculpate Mr. Thompson from all intentional error in the matter. Where he was known none would suspect him.

For the reasons here assigned I respectfully recommend the reconsideration of the bill.

Yrs., &c.


Which was read, and, upon the question shall this resolution be passed over the veto of the Governor, the vote was:

Yeas-Mr. Hawes-1.

Nays-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Cone, Duncan, Eppes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Perry and Tracy-10.

So said resolution, not having received the requisite constitutional majority, was not passed.

On motion, the rule was waived and Mr. Long allowed to make the following


The Committee on Enrolled Bills have examined and find correctly enrolled

An Act making appropriations for the expenses of the State Gov. ernment for the fiscal year 1856.

The Committee on Enrolled Bills have examined and find correctly enrolled

An Act to incorporate the town of New Port, county of Wakulla, State of Florida.

The Committee on Enrolled Bills have examined and find correctly enrolled

An Act to amend An Act relative to taking depositions under commission.

Resolution to obtain the sense of the people of West Florida in regard to annexation to Alabama.

An Act to provide for the payment of the expenses of the adjourned session of the General Assembly.

Resolution in relation to buoys on the bar of St. Andrews Bay.


Chairman of Committee on Enrolled Bills.

Which was received, read and concurred in.

The following message was received from the House of Repre. sentatives:

Hon. President of the Senate :

December 15, 1855.

SIR-The House has concurred in the report of the Committee of Conference relative to the disagreement of the two Houses upon resolution relative to copying the laws of the adjourned session of this General Assembly.

The House has adopted enclosed resolution asking the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund to report to the next General Assembly.

Very respectfully,

Cl'k House Reps.

Which was read. Also the following:

Hon. President of the Senate :


December 14, 1855.


SIR: The House has concurred in Senate amendments to a bill to

be entitled An Act to organize the county of Liberty.

Which was read.

Very respectfully,


Cl'k House Reps.

On motion of Mr. Perry, the rule was waived and he allowed to make the following


[The Secretary has neglected furnishing us with the report which should be inserted here. PRINTER.]

Which was read and the resolution accompanying the report placed among the orders of the day.


Resolution relative to the copying the laws of the adjourned session of the General Assembly was read, together with the report of the Joint Committee of Conference, and said report was concurred in. A bill to be entitled An Act in relation to a road tax in Putnam county was read, with House amendment thereto, and, on motion, the amendment was concurred in.

Ordered to be so certified to the House of Representatives. Resolution relative to Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund was read and the following offered and adopted in lieu thereof:

[The resolution was not furnished us by the Secretary.-PRINTER.] Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. Resolution relative to petition of D. Province, was read and adopted.

Mr, Hopkins offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate are hereby tendered to the Hon. H. V. Snell, for the able and impartial manner in which he has presided over its deliberations during the present Session.

Resolved further, That the thanks of the Senate are due to the Secretary and other officers, for the faithful discharge of their duties during the present Session.

Which was read and adopted.

The following Message was received from the House of Re presentatives :

Hon. President of the Senate:


December 14, 1855.


SIR:-The House has rejected Senate Resolution in relation to Duval County.

The House has adopted the following Resolutions, viz :

Senate Resolution requesting the Governor of the State to furnish arms and equipments to the company of cavalry at Micanopy.

Senate Resolution relative to the distribution of the Laws and Journals of the present Session.

Senate Resolution authorizing the Governor to turn over fifty carbines and accoutrements to the Loring Guards.

Senate Resolution for the relief of Hon. Joel Porter; and

Senate Resolution for the relief of Hugh A. Corley.

Very respectfully,


Clerk House of Representatives.

Which was read and Senate Resolutions ordered to be enrolled. On motion, the Senate took a recess until 12 o'clock.

12 o'clock, M.

The Senate resumed its Session.

The following Bills and Resolutions having passed both Houses of the General Assembly and having been signed by the presiding officers thereof, were transmitted to his Excellency the Governor for his approval, viz :

An Act to amend An Act in relation to taking depositions under commission.

An Act to provide for the payment of the expenses of the adjourned Session of the General Assembly.

An Act making appropriation for the expenses of the State Government for the fiscal year 1856, and for other purposes.

Resolution to obtain the sense of the people of West Florida in regard to annexation to Alabama.

Resolution in relation to Buoys on the Bar of St. Andrews Bay. The following Message was received from his Excellency the Governor :



December 15th, 1855.

President of the Senate :

SIR:-I have approved and signed the following Bill.


"An Act making appropriations for the expenses of the State Gov

ernment for the fiscal year 1856, and for other purposes."

Which was read.

Also the following:




December 15, 1855.

President of the Senate :

SIR :-I respectfully submit the following nominations for the advice and consent of the Senate :

For the County of Hillsborough.-.-Wm. S. Spencer, and M. L. Shannahan, Auctioneers.

For the County of Duval. John McDumot, Measurer and Inspector of Lumber; H. H. Philips, Auctioneer.


For Alachua County.--John T. McIntosh, Auctioneer.
For St. Johns County.-Alonzo A. Bravo, Auctioneer.

For Columbia County.--Thomas D. Dexter, Nath. A. Jameson,

Archibold Rhodes, Auctioneers.

Leon County.--John F. Broome, Robert Heir, Cotton Weighers.
Jefferson County. --Daniel T. Lingo, Auctioneer.
Jackson County. --Willian C. Bryan, Auctioneer.

Franklin County... John B. Jones, Cotton Weigher.

For the County of Escambia.----Geo. H. Oneal, Robert J. Sweetman, Chester P. Knapp, Daniel Saint, F. .B Bobte, A. W. Nicholson, Auctioneers.



Which was read, and the nominations advised and consented to. Also the following:

December 15th, 1855.

Hon. H. V. Snell,

President of the Senate:

SIR-I have approved and signed the following bills and resolutions:

An Act to authorize restitution by the State to plaintiffs in error or appellants who have reversed or may reverse judgments rendered in favor of the State.

An Act to amend the Act regulating common law proceedings. An Act to incorporate the Lagoon and Perdido Canal Company. An Act to authorize the sale of sixteenth sections in Escambia county.

An Act to incorporate a Bank in the city of Tallahassee. An Act in relation to Constables in the county of Hamilton. Resolution relative to the confirmation by the General Government of titles to certain lands to this State.

An Act to authorize the drainage of Lake Orange, situated in the counties of Marion and Alachua.

An Act to authorize County Commissioners to extend charters to bridges and ferries.

An Act for the relief of George Combs, of Columbia county, in this State.

An Act in relation to hunting in this State by citizens of other States.

An Act to amend the laws of this State, now in force, relative to he partition of real estate.

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