The following message was received from the House of Representatives, viz: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Hon. President of the Senate : SIR:-The House has passed the following Bills and Resolution, viz : A bill to be entitled An Act to repeal An Act in relation to electing County Commissioners in the county of Gadsden. A bill to be entiiled An Act to allow William Colson to enter the North East quarter of Section 16, T. 7, R. 19, S. and E., of the Common School Fund. A bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of William Sapp, of Madison county. Resolution relative to an adjournment sine die; and, Senate bill to be entitled An Act declaratory of the law in relation to the replevy of property levied on by execution. Very respectfully, HUGH A. CORLEY, Clerk House of Representatives. Which was read, and the House Bills and Resolution accompaning same placed among the orders of the day, and Senate bill ordered to be enrolled. ORDERS OF THE DAY. A bill to be entitled An Act to facilitate the construction of the various lines of Rail Road in this State, provided for by An Act entitled "An Act to provide for and encourage a liberal system of Internal Improvement in this State,,, approved 6th January, 1855. made the order of the day for to-day, came up on its second reading On motion, The Senate resolved itself into Committee of the whole upon said bill. After some time spent therein the Committee rose, reported pro gress, and asked leave to sit again. On motion, The Senate took a recess until 3 o'clock, P. M. The Senate resumed its Session. 3 o'clock, P. М. The following Bill and Resolution having passed both Houses of the General Assembly, and having been signed by the presiding officers thereof, were forwarded to his Excellency for his approval, viz: An Act entitled An Act to amend An Act Incorporating the City of Apalachicola, approved January 22, 1851. And Resolution relative to the establishment of a Land Office in Santa Rosa county. A bill to be entitled An Act to change the names of certain persons therein mentioned, was read a third time and upon the question of its passage the vote was : Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Criglar, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Myrick, Nickolson, Perry, Tracey and Wynn-14. Nays-none. The bill passed-title as stated. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. A bill to be entitled An Act to incorporate the town of New Port, County of Waklulla, State of Florida, Was read a third time by its title, and put upon its passage, the vote was, Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Criglar, Filor. Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Tracey and Wynn-14. Nays-None. Bill passed, title as stated. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize the County Commis sioners to extend charters to bridges and Ferries, in this State, Was read a third time and put upon its passage, the vote was Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Criglar, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Smith, Tracey and Wynn-16. Nays-None. The bill passed, title as stated. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. A hill to be entitled An Act to amend 1st section of the 9th article of the Constitution of this State, was read three several times as on its second reading, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. A bill to be entitled An Act in relation to a road tax in Putnam; county, was read a second time and placed among the orders of the day for to-morrow. A bill to be entitled An Act to amend An Act to incorporate the town of Milton, in Santa Rosa county, approved 23:d February, 1844, was, On motion, read a third time by its title and put upon its passage. The vote was: Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Criglar, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Kilcrease, Long, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Smith, Tracey and Wynn-16. The bill passed, title as stated. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. House bill to be entitled An Act to authorize certain persons to practice law in this State, was read a second time and placed among the orders of the day for to-morrow. House bill to be entitled An Act to authorize Bennett J. Horne to establish a Ferry across the Withlacoochee river, Was read the second time, rule waived, read a third time and put upon its passage, and the vote was, Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Bird, Brinson, Cone, Criglar, Filor. Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Long, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Smith, Tracey and Wynn-16. Nays none. The bill passed, title as stated. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. House bill to be entitled An Act for the election of a County Site in Orange County, Was read a second time and placed among the orders of the day for to-morrow. House bill to be entitled An Act for the benefit of John L. Tatum, Was read a second time and placed among the orders of the day for to-morrow. A bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of Dr, R. H. Shaffer, A bill to be entitled An Act to establish an uniform rate of commissions throughout this State, Was read the first time, rule waived, read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed. House bill to be entitled An Act to repeal An Act in relation to electing County Commissioners in Gadsden county, was read the first time and placed among the orders of the day for to-morrow. A bill to be entitled An Act to allow William Colson to enter N. E. of sec. 16, T. 7, R. 19 S. and E. of the Common School fund, was read the first time, rule waived, read second time by title and referred to the Committee on Schools and Colleges. House bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of William Sapp, read the first time, rule waived, read a second time by its title and referred to the Committee on Internal Improvement. House resolution relative to adjournment sine die, read first time, rule waived, read a second and third time, and put upon its passage. The vote was: Yeas-Messrs. Brinson, Cone, Criglar, Filor, Gillis, Hawes, Hopkins, Myrick, Nicholson, Perry, Smith, Tracey and Wynn-14. Nays-Mr. President, Mr. Long-2. The resolution passed. Ordered to be certified to the House of Representatives. The rule was waived, and Mr. Long from the Committee on en. rolled bills, made the following 1 REPORT: The Committee on enrolled bills, report as correctly enrolled, the following resolutions: Senate resolution authorizing appeals and writs of error from the District Court of Florida to the Circuit Court of Georgia. Resolution in relationto the payment of the accounts of Henry J. Stewart and W. J. J. Duncan. Preamble and resolution asking the establishment of a mail route along the Belamy road, between the St. Johns River and Newansvill, in the County of Alachua, and the transmission of semiweekly mails over said route. Which was received. M. A. LONG, Chairman Committee on Enrolled Bills. On motion, Mr. White, Door Keeper, was excused from attendance upon the Senate until Tuesday next. A bill regulating the county tax of Duval county, came up on its first reading, and on motion of Mr. Hopkins, laid on the table. On motion, the rule was waived, and Mr. Perry allowed without previous notice, to introduce a bill to be entitled An Act for the benefit of the Seminary of Learning, located east of the Suwannee River. Μ. On motion, the Senate adjourned until to-morrow 9 o'clock, A. SATURDAY, December 8th, 1855. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. A quorum being present. The Rev. Mr. Turner officiated as Chaplain. Mr. Nicholson gave notice that he would, on some future day, ask leave to introduce a bill to be entitled An Act in relation to a tax levied on cattle of non residents. The rule was waived, and Mr. Duncan allowed without previous notice, to introduce a bill to be entitled An Act in relation to constables in the county of Hamilton. Pursuant to notice, Mr. Perry introduced a bill to be entitled An Act authorizing the drainage of Lake Orange, in the counties of Marion and Alachua, in this State. Pursuant to notice, Mr. Duncan introduced a bill to be entitled An Act to change the name of Francis Amanda Vienna Oglesby, and for other purposes. Mr. Filor, from the Committee on Engrossed Bills made the following REPORT. The Committee on Engrossed Bills have examined and find correctly Engrossed : An Act entitled An Act to establish an uniform rate of commissions throughout this State. A Bill to be entitled An Act for the relief of certain persons therein named. A Bill to be entitled An Act in relation to a Road Tax in Putnam county. Very respectfully submitted, JAMES FILOR, Ch'n. Which was received and the bills accompanying the same, placed among the orders of the day. The rule being waived, Mr. Long introduced the following resolution: Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida in General Assembly convened, That his Excellency, the Governor of this State, be and is hereby authorized to appoint some suitable person as Commissioner, to act with a Commissioner on the part of Georgia, to settle the question of the boundary line between this State and Georgia. Which was read the first time, rule waived, read a second and third time and put upon its passage. The vote was: |