Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation StudiesMona Baker Routledge, 2 sept. 2003 - 680 pages The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies has been the standard reference in the field since it first appeared in 1998. The second, extensively revised and extended edition brings this unique resource up to date and offers a thorough, critical and authoritative account of one of the fastest growing disciplines in the humanities. The Encyclopedia is divided into two parts and alphabetically ordered for ease of reference:Part I (General) covers the conceptual framework and core concerns of the discipline. Categories of entries include:* c. |
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Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies Mona Baker,Kirsten Malmkjær Aucun aperçu disponible - 1998 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
adaptation African ALPAC American analysis anthology approach Arabic authors bilingual Catford Chinese classical concept conference interpreting context criticism cultural Czech discourse dragomans Dutch English equivalence European example Finnish foreign French function Further reading genre George Steiner German Gideon Toury Greek Hebrew history of translation Hungarian ibid Icelandic important Indian Italian Japanese langu Latin linguistic literal literary translation literature machine translation major meaning medieval modern norms original particular period Persian poems poet poetic poetry political preters produced professional programmes prose published Qur'an readers role Roman Romanian Russian Sanskrit scholars semiotic Shakespeare skopos source and target source language source text Spanish strategies structure subtitling Swedish target language target text terminologists terminology text linguistics textual tion Toury tradition trans translation activity translation studies translation theory translator's translators and interpreters types University vernacular verse words writing written