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" The explosion undoubtedly produced or set in operation the fire which burned the plaintiff's cotton. The fact that it was carried to the cotton by first burning another building supplies no new force or power which caused the burning. "
Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery Argued and Determined in the Supreme ... - Page 353
de Illinois. Supreme Court - 1874
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The Pacific Reporter, Volume 30

1892 - 1254 pages
...immediately from a third building, which was itself fired by the explosion. In this case it was held that the explosion undoubtedly produced or set in operation...was carried to the cotton by first burning another building supplies no new force or power which caused the burning. Nor can the accidental circumstance...
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The Pacific Reporter, Volume 30

1892 - 1148 pages
...explosion. In this case It was held that the explosion undoubtedly produced or set in operation the lire which burned the plaintiff's cotton. The fact that...was carried to the cotton by first burning another building supplies no new force or power which caused the burning. Nor can the accidental circumstance...
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Reports of the Decisions of the Court of Appeals of the State of ..., Volume 2

Colorado. Court of Appeals - 1893 - 670 pages
...immediately from a third building, which was itself fired by the explosion. In this case it was held that the explosion undoubtedly produced or set in operation...was carried to the cotton by first burning another building supplies no new force or power which caused the burning. Nor can the accidental circumstance...
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Negligence in Law: General relations

Thomas Beven - 1895 - 1072 pages
...intervened of itself sufficient to stand as the cause of the misfortune, the other must be considered as too remote. In the present case we think there is...produced or set in operation the fire which burned the plaintiffs cotton. The fact that it was carried to the cotton by first burning another building supplies...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court, Volume 171

United States. Supreme Court, John Chandler Bancroft Davis, Henry Putzel, Henry C. Lind, Frank D. Wagner - 1898 - 744 pages
...intervened, of itself sufficient to stand as the cause of the misfortune, the other must be considered as too remote. In the present case, we think there is...was carried to the cotton by first burning another building supplies no new force or power which caused the burning. Nor can the accidental circumstances...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court, Volume 171

United States. Supreme Court, John Chandler Bancroft Davis, Henry Putzel, Henry C. Lind, Frank D. Wagner - 1898 - 744 pages
...intervened, of itself sufficient to stand as the cause of the misfortune, the other must be considered as too remote. In the present case, we think there is...was carried to the cotton by first burning another building supplies no new force or power which caused the burning. Nor can the accidental circumstances...
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The Southeastern Reporter, Volume 46

1904 - 1144 pages
...excepted, and the court held that the insurers were not liable. In the opinion Mr. Justice Miller said: "The explosion undoubtedly produced or set in operation...was carried to the cotton by first burning another building supplies no new force or power which caused the burning." Though these principles are announced...
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Handbook of the Law of Insurance

William Reynolds Vance - 1904 - 748 pages
...Ed. 65. Here the court said: "The explosion undoubtedly produced or set in •pcration the fire that burned the plaintiff's cotton. The fact that it was carried to the cotton by first burning another building supplies no new force or power which caused the burning." S3 Heffron v. Insurance Co., 132...
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The Southeastern Reporter, Volume 46

1904 - 1060 pages
...the opinion Mr. Justice Miller said: "The explosion undoubtedly produced or set in operation the flre which burned the plaintiff's cotton. The fact that it was carried to the cotton by flrst burning another building supplies no new force or power which caused the burning." Though these...
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Selected Opinions of Luther S. Dixon and Edward G. Ryan: Late Chief Justices ...

Luther S. Dixon - 1907 - 640 pages
...intervened, of itself sufficient to stand as the cause of the misfortune, the other must be considered as too remote. "In the present case we think there is...was carried to the cotton by first burning another building, supplies no new force or power which caused the burning. Nor can the accidental circumstance...
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