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" ... insurance on behalf of any insurance company, or transmits for any person other than himself an application for insurance, or a policy of insurance to or from such company, or advertises that... "
Annual Report of the Insurance Department of the State of Wisconsin - Page 23
de Wisconsin. Insurance Department - 1877
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Reports of Cases Decided in the Appellate Courts of the State of ..., Volume 51

Illinois. Appellate Court, Edwin Burritt Smith, Martin L. Newell - 1894 - 716 pages
...policy issued is : " Whoever solicits insurance on behalf of any insurance corporation, or transmits an application for insurance, or a policy of insurance to or from any such corporation, or who makes any contract of insurance or collects or receives any premium for...
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The American State Reports: Containing the Cases of General Value ..., Volume 46

Abraham Clark Freeman - 1895 - 1030 pages, prescribes: " Whoever solicits insurance on behalf of any insurance corporation, or transmits an application for insurance, *** or a policy of insurance, to or from any such corporation, or who makes any contract of insurance, or collects or receives any premium for...
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Annual Report of the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Wisconsin

Wisconsin. Department of Insurance - 1896 - 1110 pages
...which provides that whoever solicits insurance on behalf of any insurance corporation, or transmits an application for insurance, or a policy of insurance to or from any such corporation, or makes any contract of insurance. or collects or receives any premium for insurance,...
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Reports of Cases Decided in the Appellate Courts of the State of ..., Volume 69

Illinois. Appellate Court, Edwin Burritt Smith, Martin L. Newell - 1897 - 714 pages
...State, or transmits for any person other than himself an application for life insurance to or from such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit...agent of such company to all intents and purposes and subject to all the duties, requisitions, liabilities and penalties set forth in the laws of this...
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Reports of Cases Decided in the Appellate Courts of the State of ..., Volume 80

Illinois. Appellate Court, Edwin Burritt Smith, Martin L. Newell - 1899 - 718 pages insurance company, not chartered in this State, or transmits an application or policy for such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit the same, shall be held to be the agent of such company to all intents and purposes. Starr & Curtis' Statutes, page 1346, Sec. 115,...
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Fire Insurance Laws, Taxes and Fees

1917 - 540 pages
...receives applications for insurance on behalf of any insurance company, or transmits for any person other than himself an application for insurance, or a policy of insurance to, or from, such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit the same, or who shall, in any manner,...
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The Law of Foreign Corporations and Taxation of Corporations Both Foreign ...

Joseph Henry Beale - 1904 - 1218 pages
...receives application for insurance on behalf of any insurance company, or transmits for any person other than himself an application for insurance, or a policy of insurance to or from such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit the same, or who shall, in any manner,...
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Handbook of the Law of Insurance

William Reynolds Vance - 1904 - 748 pages
...1977) is as follows: "Whoever solicits insurance on behnlf of an insurance corporation, or transmits an application for insurance or a policy of insurance to or from any such corporation, or who makes any contract of insurance, or collects or receives any premiums...
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Insurance Law of Kentucky: All Statutes in Full, All Decisions of Appellate ...

William Warwick Thum, Fred P. Caldwell - 1905 - 976 pages company, whether incorporated by this Commonwealth or elsewhere, or transmits for any person, other than himself, an application for insurance, or a policy of insurance to or from such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit the same, shall be held to be an agent...
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Kentucky Law Reporter and Journal, Volume 27

J. C. Wells, Frank L. Wells, Edward Warren Hines, William Pope Duvall Bush, Findlay Ferguson Bush, Horace C. Brannin, William Cromwell, W. J. Chinn, Walter G. Chapman, R. G. Higdon, Thomas Robert McBeath - 1905 - 1408 pages
...receives application for insurance on behalf of any insurance company, or transmits for any person other than himself an application for insurance, or a policy of insurance to cr from such company, or advertises that he will receive or transmit the gaine, or who shall, in any...
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