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" ... any such company desiring to transact any such business as aforesaid by any agent or agents, in this state, shall first appoint an attorney in this state on whom process of law can be served... "
Annual Report of the Insurance Department of the State of Wisconsin - Page 33
de Wisconsin. Insurance Department - 1877
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Statutes at Large of the State of New York: Comprising the ..., Volume 10

New York (State) - 1882 - 1276 pages, as afore- TO appoint eaid, by an agent or agents in this State, shall first appoint an attorney attorney, in this State on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the Superintendent of the Insurance Department a certified copy of the vote...
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Reports Made to the Senate and House of Representatives of the ..., Volume 3

Illinois - 1883 - 760 pages of said company for the United States ; and any such company desiring to transact any such business as aforesaid, by any agent or agents, in this State, shall first appoint an agent in this State, on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the Auditor of...
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Illinois - 1883 - 222 pages
...the capital of said company for the United States; and any such company desiring to transact any such business as aforesaid, by any agent or agents, in this State, shall first appoint an agent in this State, on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the Auditor of...
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General Insurance Statutes of the State of New York: Including Alterations ...

New York (State) - 1883 - 342 pages
...process on company having ceased to do business in this Sute. To file charter and statement. CHAP. II. State, shall first appoint an attorney in this State on whom process To appoint rr J . r attorney on of law can be served, and file 1n the office of the superintendent...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at ... and Rules ...

United States. Supreme Court - 1906 - 702 pages might do business within the State, continued: "Any such company desiring to transact any such business as aforesaid by any agent or agents in this...that such company will not remove the suit for trial into the United States Circuit Court or Federal courts, and file in the office of the Secretary of...
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The American Reports: Containing All Decisions of General ..., Volume 46

Isaac Grant Thompson - 1884 - 880 pages
...companies formed under the provisions of this act ; and any such company desiring to transact any such business, as aforesaid, by any agent or agents in...this State, on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the auditor of public accounts a written instrument, duly signed and sealed,...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Decided in the Supreme Court of the ..., Livre 22

United States. Supreme Court - 1885 - 914 pages
...corporations to transact any such business as aforesaid, by any agent or agents, in this State, it shall first appoint an attorney in this State, on...containing an agreement that such company will not remone the suit for trial into the United States Circuit Court or Federal Courts, andjile in the office...
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The Northeastern Reporter, Volume 48

1898 - 1158 pages
...of capital must be equal to that required of similar companies formed under the act The company must first appoint an attorney in this state, on whom process of law can be served. A copy of the charter or deed of settlement of the company must be filed. A statement, under the oath...
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Luzerne Legal Register Reports, Volume 3

George Brubaker Kulp, Joseph D. Coons, Wesley E. Woodruff - 1886 - 576 pages New York, in the state of New York, has appointed George P. Zieber, of Reading, as its agent and attorney in this state, on whom process of law can be served." It must be conceded that the summons was not served as required by law. If it be assumed that this...
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Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events, Volume 5

1887 - 764 pages
...agen"; or agents in tiiis State, shall first appoint an attorney in this State, on whum process of luvr can be served, containing an agreement that such company will not remove the suit lor trial into the United Sutes Circuit Court or Federal court«, and file in the office of th» Secretary...
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