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" ... any such company desiring to transact any such business as aforesaid by any agent or agents, in this state, shall first appoint an attorney in this state on whom process of law can be served... "
Annual Report of the Insurance Department of the State of Wisconsin - Page 33
de Wisconsin. Insurance Department - 1877
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of ..., Volume 32

West Virginia. Supreme Court of Appeals, Edgar P. Rucker - 1889 - 732 pages
...any other state of the United States, * * * desiring to transact any such business (fire insurance) by any agent or agents in this state shall first appoint...that such company will not remove the suit for trial into the United States circuit court or federal court?, and file in the office of the secretary of...
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The Insurance Law Journal, Volume 18

1889 - 1014 pages
...of this act; and any such company desiring to transact any such business as aforesaid, by any a gent or agents, in this State, shall first appoint an this State on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the auditor of public accounts a written instrument, duly signed and sealed,...
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Law of Foreign Corporations: A Discussion of the Principles of Private ...

William Law Murfree - 1893 - 436 pages
...a State statute providing that any foreign insurance company, desiring to transact business in the State, "shall first appoint an attorney in this State...served, containing an agreement that such company Avill not remove the suit for trial into the United States Circuit or Federal courts,' 'and that it...
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Laws, Resolutions, and Memorials of the State of Montana

Montana - 1893 - 272 pages
...special benefit or security of the insured therein; and any such companv desiring to transact any such business as aforesaid, by any agent or agents in this State, shall appoint one attorney in each county in which agencies are established, resident at the county seat,...
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At a General Assembly Begun at Dover, in the Delaware State ..., Volume 20

Delaware - 1895 - 898 pages
...the laws of any other ForeignState than this State it must, in addition thereto, appoint an™yition~ attorney in this State on whom process of law can be served "i-point an and file in the office of the Insurance Commissioner a written wnnmCp5ro°-n statement,...
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Reports of Cases Decided in the Appellate Courts of the State of ..., Volume 65

Illinois. Appellate Court, Edwin Burritt Smith, Martin L. Newell - 1896 - 710 pages
...companies formed under the provision of this act; and any such company desiring to transact any such business, as aforesaid, by any agent or agents this State on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the auditor of public accounts a written instrument, duly signed and sealed,...
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Public and Local Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan, Partie 2

Michigan - 1897 - 852 pages transact any business of insurance in this State, by any agent or agents in this State, until it shall first appoint an attorney in this State on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the Insurance Commissioner a written instrument, duly signed and sealed,...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in Ohio Courts of Record: American ...

1897 - 612 pages
...24 of that act provides, among other things, that " any such company desiring to transact any such business as aforesaid, by any agent or agents, in this state, shall file with the auditor of state a written instrument, duly signed and sealed, authorizing any agent...
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The Code of the State of Georgia: Adopted December 15th 1895, Volume 4

Georgia - 1901 - 782 pages transact any business of insurance in this State, by any agent or agents in this State, until it shall first appoint an attorney in this State on whom process of law can be served, and file in the office of the Insurance Commissioner a written instrument, duly signed and sealed,...
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Kentucky Law Reporter and Journal, Volume 27

J. C. Wells, Frank L. Wells, Edward Warren Hines, William Pope Duvall Bush, Findlay Ferguson Bush, Horace C. Brannin, William Cromwell, W. J. Chinn, Walter G. Chapman, R. G. Higdon, Thomas Robert McBeath - 1905 - 1408 pages
...provisions of this act; and any ench company desiring to transact any such business as aforesaid by nny agent •or agents In this State shall first appoint an attorney in this State on whom procees of law can be served, containing an agreement thut such company will not remove the suit for...
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