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" And that all disputes which might arise in future on the subject of the Boundaries of the said United States may be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared, that the following are and shall be their Boundaries, viz., from the North-west Angle of Nova... "
The American Diplomatic Code Embracing a Collection of Treaties and ... - Page 236
publié par - 1834
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The Laws of the United States of America, Volume 1

United States - 1796 - 508 pages
...agreed and declared, that the following are, and /hall be their boundaries, viz. From the north-weft angle of Nova. Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line, drawn due north from the fource of Saint Croix river to the Highlands ; along the faid Highlands .which divide thofe rivers,...
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The New annual register, or General repository of history, politics, and ...

1796 - 784 pages
...agreed' and declared, that the following are and (ball be their boundaries, víz. From the north-weft angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north from the fource oí St. Croix river to tUe Highlands, along the faid Highlands, which divide thofc rivers that...
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An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of ..., Volume 4

William Winterbotham - 1796 - 572 pages
...that the follow, ing arc and (hall be their boundaries, viz. from the north-weft angle of Nova-Scotia, viz. That angle which is formed by a line drawn due north from the fource of St. Croix river to the highlands, along the faid highlands, which divide thofe rivers that...
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A Collection of the Acts Passed in the Parliament of Great Britain and Other ...

Québec (Province) - 1800 - 444 pages
...agreed and declared that the following are and (hall be their boundaries, viz.— From the north weft angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north from the fource of Saint Croix River to fhe hi^h lands : along the faid highlands, which divide thofe rivers...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1800 - 632 pages
...agreed and declared, that the following are and (hall be their boundaries, viz. From the north. Wfft angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that angle which is, formed by a line drawn due north from the fource of St. Croix river to the Highlands, along the faid Highland«, which divide thofe rivers that...
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Annual Register of World Events, Volume 25

1800 - 620 pages
...and declared that the following are and fliall be their boundaries, viz. Art. II. From the north-weft angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north from the fource of St. Croix River to the Highlands.: along the faid ¡(lands, which divide thofe rivers that...
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Annual Register of World Events, Volume 26

1800 - 628 pages
...agreed and declared, that the following are and (hall be their boundaries, viz. From the north. weft angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north fiom the fource of St. Croix river to the Highlands, along the faid Highlands, which divide thofe rivers...
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The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the ..., Volume 3

William Gordon - 1801 - 452 pages
...lowing are, and their boundaries, vizi ARTICLE 11. From the north-west angle of Nwva-Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north, from the Source of St. Croix^river to the Highlands, along the said Highlands which divide those rivers that empty themselves...
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Recueil de traités d'alliance, de paix, de trève, de neutralité ..., Volume 3

Georg Friedrich Martens - 1818 - 796 pages
...and de-' clared, that the following are, and fhall be, their boundaries, viz. From the North -Weft angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north, from the fource pf Saint Croix river to the Highlands, along the faid Highlands which' divife thofe rivers that...
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An Abridgement of the Laws of the United States: Or, A Complete Digest of ...

William Graydon - 1803 - 730 pages
...hereby agreed and declared, that the following »re, and shall be their boundaries, viz. ARTICLE II. From the north-west angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that...formed by a line, drawn due north from the source of St. Croix river to the Highlands ; along the said Highlands which divide those rivers, that empty themselves...
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